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Clarity VS Happiness
2008/05/27 08:51:18瀏覽537|回應2|推薦4


1.         "The more specific you are about the job you want, the easier you are to hire." -- Brian Tracy

2.         "When you know clearly what you want, you’ll wake up every morning excited about life." -- Mark Victor Hansen

3.         "If you are clear about what you want, the world responds with clarity." -- Loretta Staples

4.         "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances." -- Thomas Jefferson


1.         Happiness comes more from loving than being loved; and often when our affection seems wounded it is only our vanity bleeding. To love, and to be hurt often, and to love again--this is the brave and happy life. J. E. Buckrose [Annie Edith Jameson] (1868-1931) Writer

2.         Happiness is a sunbeam which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray…Jane Porter (1776-1850) Writer









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Courage VS Clarity
2008/06/17 18:46

Love is blind means people lost their ration when they fall in love. He or she will do anything, ignoring any consequence,  to “love” his or her lover. From this point of view, lovers are adventurous and at any cost. Therefore, in other people’s eyes, they are “blind”. Is there anything related to clarity? I think perhaps the courage is the most important if compared with clarity. 

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-06-17 23:12 回覆:
Thanks for sharing your insights.

What is the relation between clarity and happiness.
2008/06/16 21:19
I do not see there is any relation between love and clarity. Is there any ?  Pls share your point of view.....
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-06-17 09:54 回覆:

People always say " Love is blind", some how I believe Love is clarity. Clarity means you know who you are, what you want, how you should interact, what makes you feel like yourself, what you want to do about it, how you feel like expressing yourself, how to respect your love ones, how to accept and react the situations.

I used to believe I am a moody person, always do things according to my likes and dislikes. Gradually, I figure out that I am more like a reasonable person with lots of concerns than an emotional person for major decisions. Lots of times, I am too conservative to follow my intuitions. I tend to be more analytical. What a funny discovery!!

Know yourself. Love Yourself. Clarity is power. When I know what I want specifically, I will become more determined with lots of active moves.

Therefore, I believe LOVE with Clarity is power. LOVE with Clarity in knowing myself is more power.