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2011/05/25 20:47:47瀏覽1025|回應1|推薦16 | |
《中英對照讀新聞》Snake dies after biting model’s breast蛇咬模特兒胸部後死亡 ◎陳成良 A snake who bit Israeli model and actress Orit Fox in the chest died after being poisoned by an unusual venom - the silicone in the buxom blonde’s surgically enhanced breasts. 一條蛇咬了以色列模特兒兼演員奧莉特.福克斯的胸部後,被一種不尋常毒液毒死——這位體型豐滿金髮美女人工巨乳中的矽膠。 Spanish TV channel Telecinco’s footage of Fox’s encounter was racking up YouTube hits Monday, with some users lamenting, "R.I.P. snake," and the less-informed commenting: "I wish I was that snake!" 西班牙Telecinco電視頻道播出福克斯這段遭遇的連續畫面,週一在Youtube的點閱率節節攀升,一些用戶悲嘆說,「安息吧,蛇」,較不知原委的人則評論說:「我希望我是那條蛇!」 The video shows the model fondling and licking the serpent for a feature in Israeli DJ Shmulik Tayar’s radio show, before the snake got fresh with Fox and latched on to her bountiful left breast. 影片顯示,這名模特兒在以色列DJ舒姆立克.塔雅的廣播節目專輯中,撫弄並舔舐這條大蛇,後來這條蛇對福克斯變得不安份,然後用牙咬住她碩大的左乳。 The model yelped as a man wearing a T-shirt with a Spanish profanity written on the back rushed over to help. 這名模特兒發出尖叫,後方一名身穿背面寫有西班牙褻瀆字句T恤的男子,趕緊趨前幫忙。 Fox was taken to Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera, northwest of Jerusalem. After a tetanus shot and a few hours of observation, she was released, according to Telecinco. 福克斯被送到耶路撒冷西北方海德拉市的希勒雅法醫院,打了破傷風針並接受觀察幾小時後,就出院了,據Telecinco電視台報導。 But the snake did not fare so well. Days later, Telecinco reported that the creature had died of silicone poisoning. 不過那條蛇的遭遇沒這麼好。幾天後,Telecinco報導說,這條蛇已死於矽膠中毒。 新聞辭典 R.I.P.:源自拉丁文Requiescat in Pace的縮寫,於英語中,多數譯為Rest in Peace,意思是願靈安息、願彼安息。此縮寫多見於歐洲的墓碑上。 rack something up:片語,累積;取得(某物,尤指得分、數量)例句: Japan is racking up record trade surpluses with the United States. (日本對美國的貿易順差正在創新高。) be [get] fresh with sb:俚語,對某人(變得)放肆、無禮,尤其對異性。例句:Don’t get so fresh with the girl. (不得對這個女孩無禮。) |
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