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The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook
作 者: 馬修麥凱-Matthew McKay 
分 類: Self Help > Depression / Stress / Anxiety 
Code : CA025005 
ISBN :9789576937927 
語 言: Traditional Chinese
出 版 社: 張老師 
出 版 日: 2012-06-19 

A Clear and Effective Approach to Learning DBT Skills First developed for treating borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has proven effective as treatment for a range of other mental health problems, especially for those characterized by overwhelming emotions. Research shows that DBT can improve your ability to handle distress without losing control and acting destructively. In order to make use of these techniques, you need to build skills in four key areas-distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook, a collaborative effort from three esteemed authors, offers straightforward, step-by-step exercises for learning these concepts and putting them to work for real and lasting change. Start by working on the introductory exercises and, after making progress, move on to the advanced-skills chapters. Whether you are a professional or a general reader, whether you use this book to support work done in therapy or as the basis for self-help, you'll benefit from this clear and practical guide to better managing your emotions. This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit — an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, & Distress Tolerance (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)



辯證行為治療,在幫助人們處理壓倒性的情緒(overwhelming emotion)上有極大功效。研究顯示,辯證行為治療可以強化個人處理痛苦情緒的能力,而不至於失控或做出破壞性的行為。




  1、 痛苦忍受(distress tolerance)技巧將幫助你藉由建立自己的復原力、提供新的方法減弱痛苦情境的影響,對痛苦的事有較好的處理。

  2、 了了分明(mindfulness)技巧將幫助你更完全地體會活在當下的經驗,而非將注意力集中在過去的痛苦或未來令人害怕的種種可能上。同時提供方法讓你克服對自己和他人習慣性的負面評價。

  3、 情緒調節(emotion regulation)技巧幫助你更清楚確認自己的感受,然後觀察每一種情緒,但不被這些情緒擊倒。目的是以一種非破壞性的反應方式去調整你的感受。

  4、 人際效能(interpersonal effectiveness)技巧提供新的方法表達你的信念和需求、設定界限,以及協調問題解決。同時保護你的人際關係,並尊重他人。

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body:Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted
作 者: 丹尼爾亞曼-Daniel G. Amen 
分 類: Self Help > Depression / Stress / Anxiety 
Code : CA017257 
ISBN :9789866158018 
語 言: Traditional Chinese
出 版 社: 野人 
出 版 日: 2010-09-27 

內容簡介: ★20年臨床經驗、15個實用方案,教你利用大腦找回健康活力好身材! ★解開《秘密》的科學,大腦決定你能否擁有健美體態! ★想活得健康、擁有窈窕身材,先要有顆漂亮的大腦! ★改變你的大腦,就能改善你的健康、你的個性、你的婚姻!   想瘦小腹,就要提升前額葉皮質區的功能;   想減少皺紋、增強免疫力,要增加顳葉的活動量;   消除睡眠障礙和心臟保健,都要從健腦開始!   亞曼醫師結合最新醫學研究報告和20年臨床經驗,   為你找回失落的「身-腦連結」!   二十年前,亞曼醫師開辦一項自我療癒課程時,意外發現許多病患在改善憂鬱與焦慮狀況的同時,也減輕了10到15公斤的體重,身體健康和整體生活也明顯好轉。   亞曼醫師因此開啟了「身-腦連結」的研究,進行各項臨床實驗。他利用「單光子放射電腦斷層造影」(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography,SPECT),取得光從問診無法了解的「腦內活動」資訊,有了驚人的發現:特定的腦部運作狀態,其實反映出特定的身體狀態,掌握腦內這條祕密連結,就能開啟健康與苗條體態的大門。因此,如果你想消除啤酒肚,就得先提升前額葉皮質區(如同大腦的執行長)的功能;想揮別頭痛,就得先鎮靜基底核;想要好好睡個美容覺,就要鎮靜前扣帶迴(有如大腦的變速排擋);想讓肌膚重返年輕,就得先從活化大腦開始,因為肌膚有如「外在的腦」,反映的是你大腦的健康狀況。   如今,他的團隊更設計出一系列的核對表(首度收錄於本書),幫助一般大眾在不需要進行腦部掃描的情況下,就能推估出自己大腦的優勢及弱勢區域,幫助數萬人找到適合自己大腦的做法。   亞曼醫師也為高中生設計了一套實用的大腦科學課程,教導青少年如何關愛自己的大腦,目前已為美國40個州及世界7個國家所採用。   本書集結他二十年來的研究和經驗所得,深入淺出地讓讀者了解「身-腦連結」,也就是大腦系統在你追求完美體態的過程中,扮演著什麼樣的關鍵角色。書中也提供15個簡單易行的強化大腦方案,運用「身-腦連結」幫助讀者學習駕馭大腦的奇妙力量,獲得夢寐以求的外表與健康。   在本書中,你會看到亞曼醫師52歲的腦,比他37歲時還年輕健康! 本書特色   1.可視為《運動改造大腦》(2010教學創意體驗工作坊指定用書,野人文化出版)實用進階版,由腦而身、由內而外打造健康。   2.首創SPECT(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography)單光子放射電腦斷層造影,徹底掌握腦內運作,讓你找到失落的「腦-身聯結」,一眼看穿大腦問題、對症下藥。   3. 獨家腦部檢測表,首度收錄!幫助一般大眾在不需要進行腦部掃描的情況下,推估出自己大腦的優勢及弱勢區域,打造個人化大腦治療方案。    4.有如個人醫師隨侍在側:本書偏重實用建議,文字簡潔易懂,就像在聽醫師說話,會直接得到許多診斷方面的訊息,也提供讀者許多腦部營養品建議(須先經醫生診斷,酌情施行)。

Change Your Brain, Change Your Body: Use Your Brain to Get and Keep the Body You Have Always Wanted


“Come on, people, the health of our society is going the wrong way! We can do so much better. Dr. Amen’s groundbreaking work gives us a blueprint for a better brain and a better body. I highly recommend it.” 
“Daniel Amen continually demonstrates why he is truly one of the most original thinkers in medicine today. As he correctly points out in his newest book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, the brain is the integration center that ultimately controls not only the way we think and feel but also the way we look. More important, he provides the dietary advice that has been clinically demonstrated to improve brain function. If you want to optimize your life, this book is a must-read.” 
—BARRY SEARS, Ph.D., author of The Zone
“Buy Change Your Brain, Change Your Body for yourself, the people you love, and your physi­cian. . . . This book can save your life, improve the quality of your life, and motivate you in helping those people that you love!”
—EARL R. HENSLIN, Psy.D., author of This Is Your Brain on Joy
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body is a marvelous book. . . . Highly readable and hard to put down, it is packed with insight, information, and practical tools for the care of both adults and children.” 
—MICHAEL GURIAN, author of The Wonder of Girls and The Wonder of Boys 
“Dr. Amen has been my source for a better brain for a long time. I have been a student and a fan, but this is new. If a ‘brain boost’ can give me a better body, I say bring it on!”
“In this entertaining and user-friendly book, Dr. Amen gives you a scientifically based, indi­vidualized plan for your own brain and body chemistry, helping you optimize every aspect of your health and well-being. No side effects—only side benefits!” 
—HYLA CASS, M.D., coauthor of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body is an essential book for anyone trying to improve their body and their health. By blending cutting-edge research with his wealth of clinical experience, Dr. Amen has presented this material in a way that fully integrates what we know about the connection between the brain and body. Dr. Amen’s unique perspective is a tremendous gift for so many seeking out how to achieve a better state of mind and health.” 
—ANDREW NEWBERG, M.D., noted brain imaging researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and coauthor of How God Changes Your Brain
Da jia dou you bing
作 者: 朱德庸-Zhu Deyong 
分 類: Self Help > Depression / Stress / Anxiety 
Code : CA019801 
ISBN :9789571353371 
語 言: Traditional Chinese
出 版 社: 時報出版 
出 版 日: 2011-03-28 







Your Brain On Nature: The Science of Nature's Influence on Your Health, Happiness and Vitality [Paperback]

Eva M. Selhub MD (Author), Alan C. Logan ND (Author)

Your Brain On Nature: The Science of Nature's Influence on Your Health, Happiness and Vitality

Book Description

April 24, 2012  1118106741  978-1118106747 1
How to safely de-tox from IT overload—with the healing effects of nature Scientific studies have shown that natural environments can have remarkable benefits for human health.
Natural environments are more likely to promote positive emotions; and viewing and walking in nature have been associated with heightened physical and mental energy.
Nature has also been found to have a positive impact on children who have been diagnosed with impulsivity, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder.
A powerful wake-up call for our tech-immersed society, Your Brain on Nature examines the fascinating effects that exposure to nature can have on the brain.
In Your Brain on Nature, physician Eva Selhub and naturopath Alan Logan examine not only the effects of nature on the brain—but the ubiquitous influence of everyday technology on the brain, and how IT overload and its many distractions may even be changing it. Offering an antidote for the technology-addicted, the book outlines emerging nature-based therapies including ecotherapy, as well as practical strategies for improving your (and your children's) cognitive functioning, mental health, and physical well-being through ecotherapeutic, nutritional, and behavioural means. Details the back to nature movement and the benefits of nature on the brain and body, from reducing the symptoms of ADHD to improving mood and physical energy Explains the effects of air quality, aromas, light and sound on the brain, including SAD and sleep loss A fascinating look at the effects that both nature and technology have on the brain's functioning and one's overall well-being, Your Brain on Nature is every tech-addict's guide to restoring health and balance in an increasingly IT-dependent world.
( 知識學習健康 )
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