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2009/02/18 02:38:11瀏覽1241|回應0|推薦26 | |
美國5-12歲小朋友給美國新總統的信 Dear Mr. President 由孩子們的事 (http://www.kidthing.com/ ) 和 美國教育協會 (http://www.nea.org/) 共同合作的新書 Dear Mr. President 免費下載 (Download) 首先到 http://www.kidthing.com/ 下載 kidthing軟體, 然後到store(線上店)選 Book(書) 點 Dear Mr. President一書 (價錢 $0.00 ) 再點下Check-out,然後等下載 (download in progress) (要等幾分鐘) 下載完成後,請到Purchase的tab (頁)閱讀 這本書內的150封信,是從4,500多封投稿的信中選出 看看小朋友們對新總統的期望! 例子: Please make it rain candy! I hope you banish broccoli from the White House. I hope that we will have no war ever again, I mean why are we fighting why can't we all be friends. I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war. My dad's out of work … Please get more jobs. Please change the immigration laws so my dad can come back from Mexico. ARE YOU SCARED?
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