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國家公園 搜救無人機芻議
心情隨筆心情日記 2016/03/08 04:11:00

國家公園 搜救無人機芻議

我國成立: 雪霸, 玉山, 以及太魯閣國家公園.
因山高水深, 幅員廣大. 發生山難時, 搜救,補給不易.
鑒於科技進步, 無人機性能提升, 價格降低, 而且提供介面溝通. 思考以國人技術, 選購航程長, 利用手機通訊網, 達成遠程通訊控制與傳遞視訊, 應該可以加速反應, 達到即時搜救, 並且以機械代替人力, 可以克服較差天候. 在寸陰寸金的突發狀況, 提高救人效率.
以資訊發展經驗, 與流覽器 單人完成兩個最初成品發展為例, 相信: 此事可行!
若有人因此文, 進行發展, 功德無量!

Done for Search and Rescue in National Parks, Taiwan

With the technology advance, cost of drone dropped and they certainly can help National Park in Search and Rescue – drop the cost both on money and more important in human risk. Improve response time and handle worse weather and terrain challenges.

With the drone offering becoming more and more available and cheaper in cost, better in performance. It is very achievable with one single developer to find good drone, utilize cell tower as communication channel for both controlling the drone and feedback video information. Just like the first two browser was done by the same person in short time. This proposal WILL bring a solution to table for the National Parks in Taiwan and respond in any stress call in time to save life and focus on the man power or helicopter to be effective in search and rescue effort.

If anybody sees this and believe it is doable, please feel free to implement it such the resolution can be enjoyed by the few that might need rescue.

There was an incidence of avalanche in Mount Rainier. A company was monitoring their team that was camped up the snow. They recorded a drop of couple hundred feet of the campers/hikers – all of their employee and customer were NOT responding to the communication. The NP’s helicopter was dispatched and saw the debris to confirm the death of the hikers. I have been watching the park rangers of Rainier NP – they walked fast in heavy snow ice with their old style leather boot. But the terrain in this case was just not reachable by human. Hence the helicopter visual confirmation became the last thing available.


國家公園 搜救無人機芻議
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