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24歲, 做緊文員, 有個business o既 diploma, 以前中學讀文科, 自覺冇乜前途, 又想再進修, 如果而家先想入finance呢個field(都知唔夠d讀開番o既大學畢業生爭, 但話哂香港都係金融中心, 前景ok瓜..), 讀part time由cert讀起係咪太遲? 仲有冇快d o既方法..如果唔係咁應該讀邊範好??..仲有, 睇過d 有關finance o既job adv., 點解好多bank都係請d fresh grad., 仲寫明' fresh grad/ less than one year working experience' .... 顯示更多 24歲, 做緊文員, 有個business o既 diploma, 以前中學讀文科, 自覺冇乜前途, 又想再進修, 如果而家先想入finance呢個field(都知唔夠d讀開番o既大學畢業生爭, 但話哂香港都係金融中心, 前景ok瓜..), 讀part time由cert讀起係咪太遲? 仲有冇快d o既方法..如果唔係咁應該讀邊範好??.. 仲有, 睇過d 有關finance o既job adv., 點解好多bank都係請d fresh grad., 仲寫明' fresh grad/ less than one year working experience' . 另外成日睇到有d略有名氣o既證券集團請人, 但係requirement只係18歲或以上, 無需經驗也可, 究竟係做d咩?? 如果要放棄而家人工ok o既工而走去當自己o靚仔咁由頭開始學又好像有點兒那個.. 好迷惘, 有冇人俾下意見, thx...


I think you (due to your background) are very difficult to enter to corporate finance or investment banking field. 證券集團請人 is looking for salesman (samiliar to insurance agent). 點解好多bank都係請d fresh grad. B'cos banks are big companies. Like Govt., they can only hire entry level staff. I think you better to study an accountancy degree first. If you are genuine interested in finance or monetary economics, you can then study for a first or second degree in these areas. Don't study a BBA in Finance. But if you are good in mathematics, you can study a degree in financial engineering or mathematics in finance and actuarial science or econometics. But Accountancy is always better. Try ive, HKU Space or Open U (part-time)





if u want to study finance, of coz u go to UST, CITYU or CUHK. http://www.ust.hk/en/pa/e_pa010711-157.html Finance Research Ranking Rank University Weighted 1 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 408.63 2 National University of Singapore 338.57 3 City University of Hong Kong 311.01 4 Chinese University of Hong Kong 306.06 5 University of New South Wales 291.62 6 University of Sydney 258.13 7 Nanyang Technological University 204.05 8 University of Auckland 172.21 9 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 154.90 10 University of Melbourne 150.83 http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ce/CFP/|||||try HKU SPACE, study Diploma and then top up to degree FN 60-104-00 (62) Advanced Professional Diploma in Financial Planning 財務策劃高級專業文憑 Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8483/8480/8467 Fax 傳真: 2858 4750 Email 電郵: cfp@hkuspace.hku.hk Course Start Date 開課日期: To Be Advised 圖片參考:http://hkuspace.hku.hk/image/web_course/grayline.gif 持 續 進 修 基 金 課 程 編 號 23F00081-3 入 學 資 格 年 滿 21 歲 以 上 及 具 備 三 年 相 關 工 作 經 驗 , 或 香 港 中 學 會 考 五 科 合 格 。 學 費 每 單 元 $4,200 課 程 查 詢 及 申 請 方 法 詳 細 的 課 程 資 料 及 申 請 表 格 可 透 過 下 列 途 徑 索 取 : 親 臨 任 何 一 個 HKU SPACE 報 名 中 心 傳 真 : 2858 4750 電 話 : 2867 8483 或 2867 8480 電 郵 : cfp@hkuspace.hku.hk 報 名 截 止 日 期 學 期 一 : 每 年 的 8 月 15 日 學 期 二 : 每 年 的 12 月 15 日 學 期 三 : 每 年 的 4 月 15 日 CFPCM, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM 和 圖片參考:http://hkuspace.hku.hk/image/cfp.jpg 等 認 證 標 誌 , 於 美 國 以 外 地 區 由 財 務 策 劃 標 準 制 定 局 (FPSB) 全 權 擁 有 。根 據 與 財 務 策 劃 標 準 制 定 局 (FPSB) 簽 訂 的 協 議 ,香 港 財 務 策 劃 學 會 是 唯 一 在 香 港 及 澳 門 頒 授 CFP 認 諳 標 誌 的 認 可 機 構 。 FN 08-810-00 (63) BA (Hons) Financial Services (a 2-year top-up programme) 金融服務(榮譽)文學士 Napier University, UK Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8317 Fax 傳真: 2861 0278 Email 電郵: grace.ho@hkuspace.hku.hk Course Start Date 開課日期: 26 Mar 2007 圖片參考:http://hkuspace.hku.hk/image/web_course/grayline.gif CEF Code 23B00087-8 Entry Requirements Direct entry to Level 3 or part way through Level 3*, if you: either, have the HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Finance*; or, have completed Years 1 and 2 of Napier University's BA (Hons) Financial Services with satisfactory results; or, have equivalent qualifications. Direct entry to Level 4 if you: either, are an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, UK; or, are a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance; or, are an Associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers; or, have the Advanced Professional Diploma in Financial Planning awarded by HKU SPACE; or, have completed Years 1, 2 and 3 of the Napier University's BA (Hons) Financial Services with satisfactory results; or, have equivalent qualifications. Duration Students admitted direct or part way through Level 3: 1.5 or 2 - 4 years (normally 2 years). Students admitted direct to Level 4: 1- 3 years (normally 1 year). Fee(s) Course Fee: $4,600 per module. Application Fee: $150, non-refundable. Information and Application Detailed information and an application form are available: in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre. 參考資料: http://hkuspace.hku. hk/index.php
( 興趣嗜好星座命理 )
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