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尉繚子 - 天官
2010/10/18 20:16:59瀏覽514|回應1|推薦3



梁惠王問尉繚子曰: “ 黃帝刑德,可以百勝,有之乎? ” 尉繚子對曰: “ 刑以伐之,德以守之,非所謂天官時日陰陽向背也。黃帝者,人事而已矣。

“ 今有城,東西攻不能取;南北攻不能取;四方豈無順時乘之者耶?然不能取者,城高池深,兵器備具,財穀多積,豪士一謀者也。若城下池淺守弱,則取之矣。由此觀之,天官時日不若人事也。

“ 按天官曰: ‘ 背水陣為絕地,向阪陣為廢軍。 ’ 武王伐紂,背濟水向山阪而陣,以二萬二千五百人,擊紂之億萬而滅商,豈紂不得天官之陣哉!

“ 楚將公子心與齊人戰,時有彗星出,柄在齊。柄所在勝,不可擊。公子心曰: ‘ 彗星何知?以彗鬥者固倒而勝焉。 ’ 明日與齊戰,大破之。

“ 黃帝曰: ‘ 先神先鬼,先稽我智。 ’ 謂之天官人事而已。 ”

King Hui of Liang State asked Wei Liao Zi:" Is it true that the Yellow Emperor, through punishment and virtue, achieved a hundred victories without defeat?"

Wei Liao Zi replied:”Punishment was employed to attack the rebellious and virtue was employed to stabilise peace. This is not what is referred to as ‘ Heavenly Positions ‘, auspicious time, yin & yang, comet appearance. The Yellow Emperor’s victories were a matter of human effort, that is all. Why do we say that? Now if there is a fortified city and one attacks it from the east and west but cannot take it, and attacks from the south and north but cannot take it, can it be that all four directions fail to accord with the auspicious momentum? If you still cannot take it, it is because the walls are high, the moats deep, the weapons and implements fully prepared, the materials and grains accumulated in great quantities, and their soldiers are unified. If the wall is low, the moats shallow, and the defenses weak then it can be taken. From this perspective, ‘moments’, ’seasons’ and ‘ Heavenly Office ‘ are not as important as human effort.”

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2010/10/18 21:29