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At the end of each day ...
2006/07/18 10:25:47瀏覽572|回應1|推薦13

At the end of each day

you say you'd be waiting for me ,

I would no longer be alone at home

and this would be so comforting to me .

Instead of coming home to darkness

I would be coming home to light ,

You'd be my candle in the window

and you'd lead me home every night .

You are to be my family

a safe place for me to run to ,

If I am to become sad and afraid

you'd know exactly what to do .

You would be my eternal compass

so that I'd never lose my way ,

Your love would be waiting for me

at the end of each and every day .

You'd be the fire that would warm me

even on the coldest winter's night ,

And the brightest star to guide me

illuminating the sky with such light .

At the end of each day

you are supposed to be what I'd see ,

Instead I come home alone again

and darkness is all that awaits me .

( ~ reason 1 ~ )

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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waiting for your back home ...
2006/07/18 11:53

yes, dear~

i am waiting for your back home everyday ...

so is coffer ...