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一對一英語家教班 成人美語推薦 板橋 一對一英語家教班
2017/02/28 00:21:03瀏覽59|回應0|推薦0

2017年01月20日 23:40










三立電視2016年受挫,在黃金時段重播線上英語教學 免費戲劇、綜藝節目,並裁掉不少員工。總經理張榮華在台上很感慨,但也不忘激勵員工:「去年的景氣對我們是很大的挑戰,我相信,明年我們仍然看到又濕又冷的2017,希望三立人繼續堅持下去」。據悉,年終獎金並未縮水,比照去年發放1個月到2.5個月。



WARM WELCOME? Vice President Chen Chien-jen said that protesters should avoid the cold by sending representatives to Sunday’s meeting to discuss issuesBy Stacy Hsu / Staff reporterVice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) yesterday unveiled details of the government’s draft pension reform plan, urging opponents to send representatives to a national affairs conference scheduled for Sunday.Speaking at an afternoon news conference at the Presidential Office, Chen said the draft was drawn up after 20 committee meetings, four regional forums and efforts to solicit opinions from all sectors of society.Chen said the draft plan aims to ensure that the nation’s various pension funds can be sustained for at least another generation, delaying estimations for bankruptcy of the Labor Insurance Fund by nine years to 2036, the public-school teachers’ pension fund by 12 years to 2043 and the Public Service Pension Fund by 14 years to 2044.“Our goal is to make sure that pension funds remain accessible generation after generation and be able to support insured people into their old age,” Chen said.Laying out several key elements of the proposed reforms, Chen said the controversy-dogged 18 percent preferential savings rate for retired public-sector employees taking monthly retirement payments would be lowered to 0 percent in three stages over six years.The saving rate is to be reduced every two years, falling to 9 percent, 6 percent and then 3 percent. It is to be 0 percent from the seventh year on.For those who take their pension as a lump sum, there are two proposed systems: Either the 9-6-3-0 process to reduce the interest rate as with monthly payments, or a separate plan of 12 percent for the first two years, 10 percent in years three and four, 8 percent in years five and six and 6 percent from year seven on.However, public servants whose monthly pension is below a specified floor — to be either NT$25,000 or NT$32,160 (US$791 or US$1,017) — are to retain the 18 percent preferential rate.Chen said that the government intends to cut the income replacement rate for public servants to “75 percent of two times a civil servant’s basic salary” and lower the rate by 1 percentage point each year until it is 60 percent of two times the basic salary.Under current pension plans, government employees receive pensions of up to 95 percent of their pre-retirement income, which is straining national coffers.To make pension funds more sustainable, the average used to determine payments is to be based on a longer timeframe. The proposal is for the average insured salary of the final 15 years of employment to be used to determine pensions, with that number to be reached by adding 12 months to the timeframe each year until the 15-year target is met.Also, the retirement age is to be increased to 65, except for professions of a special nature or those that involve dangerous activities, while the ceiling for labor insurance premiums paid by public servants, public-school teachers and private-sector workers is to be raised stepwise to 18 percent.Other highlights of the proposal include a scheme to allow employees to keep their work years when they switch jobs, including moves between the private sector and the public sector.“The money that is to be saved by lowering the income replacement rate for public servants and the cancelation of the 18 percent preferential rate will be put into the [Public Service Pension] Fund,” Chen said, adding that starting next year the government is to inject NT$20 billion into the Labor Insurance Fund annually.Minister Without Portfolio Lin Wan-i (林萬億), who is deputy convener and executive director of the committee, said that as the nation has 13 different pension funds, the government plans two stages to reform such a complicated system.“We welcome various opinions at Sunday’s conference. They will be factored into the next stage,” Lin said.Asked to comment on a large-scale demonstration in front of the Presidential Office Building planned for Sunday by civil servants, Chen said that given falling temperatures, it would be better for opponents of the plans to send representatives to the conference, where their voices would be better heard.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

鉅亨網記者宋宜芳 台北Uber Taiwan 將於下週五 (10 日) 起暫停在台媒合平台服務,TrendForce 旗下拓墣產業研究院車輛電子分析師張仙平分析, Uber 在台灣寸步難行,甚至遭交通部勒令停業,與公司營運模式核心價值並未完全被消費者埋單、對司機的抽成過高與評比制度造成限制,以及未解決在台觸法爭議等三大因素有關。張仙平指出,首先,Uber 強調的服務價值之一在於以優惠的價格享受更佳的服務品質,但這樣的核心價值並不完全被台灣消費者埋單。以大台北地區為例,大眾運輸發達與計程車隨招隨停的交通運輸模式,加上尖峰時段的加價機制下,消費者對於 Uber 與一般計程車之間的價格與服務品質差異感受並不明顯,因此 Uber 在台灣尚未展現出真正有價值的在地服務。從司機的角度探討,台灣不乏具備執業執照的司機加入 Uber 行列,但不論從收入或評分制度來看,Uber 仍然有許多必須改善的空間。舉例而言,台灣計程車若加入車行或合作社,抽成約 5%,但是若成為 Uber 司機,抽成卻高達 25%,代表必須載更多趟乘客才能達當日業績目標。此外,Uber 以評分制度來控管司機品質雖立意良好,但實行上卻容易因乘客對評分方式的誤解,導致司機分數過低無法載客,因此 Uber 司機執業限制並非想像中的有彈性。最後,從台灣的交通法規著眼,Uber 服務的本質雖然僅為分享經濟的概念,但實際營業的方向與內涵仍須受到交通法規的規範,不過進入台灣市場的 4 年以來,Uber Taiwan 仍未解決觸法的相關爭議,終究導致「Uber 條款」上路。事實上,Uber 在許多國家都面臨類似的法規管制,如不符合司機職業駕駛資格、乘客保險不明、未繳稅、不符合相關法律等,甚至在美國本土也會因城市、州的不同而有修正。張仙平進一步表示,Uber 的創新服務與經營模式,讓台灣發展停滯的計程車產業重新跟上時代的潮流,從付款方式的彈性及線上叫車平台等變化,確實是 Uber 帶來的影響之一。其次,此次謝幕也讓 Uber Taiwan 有空間反思,並重新擬定策略,發展台灣獨特的創新營運模式,而非直接導入國外的成功經驗。

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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