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2007/04/19 06:36:24瀏覽348|回應2|推薦5 | |
《Hello Polo – 13》
Turned out it was a VENUS FLY TRAP kind of handshake.
With eyes locked to each other, Cupids flying around……and all that.
No doubt an unforgettable One Nice Shake.
(I nearly had a seizure there and then)
沒想到 “破鑼”小弟帶著惡作劇般的促狹笑容,雙手同時鉗住民婦搽了五個顏色指甲油的小手,握了又握…再握…還握……
《Hello Polo – 14》
Let me try giving you a simile here,
It might help to picture why all the “Polo Crush” is about:
It’s like the kind of candies with nice chocolate on the outside, (LIKE at the first sight)
And when you bite into it, there is EVEN BETTER chocolate inside! (Cupids flying, harps playing…)
Too bad we don’t usually come upon a great big handful of GOURMET SWEETS like HIM…oops, I mean IT – the CANDY.
現在回憶起來, “破鑼” 那付低頭蹙眉的抿嘴笑臉 (七分側),簡直是電影『超人再起』中新超人的翻版 (新的、年輕的那個唷!)
若非當時民婦我已呈顏面神經局部麻痺、連帶語言中樞短暫癱瘓狀況,或許還能急中生智、脫口而出:還想集『林志玲優格磁鐵』外加八套Hello Kitty!!
釀子的話,不知能否與 “破鑼” 天天相見厚??
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