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2006/10/10 03:13:34瀏覽175|回應0|推薦4 | |
《’Till Graduation Do Us Apart J 6-1》 Brace yourself, I’m gonna tell you all about my first marriage. It was 1971, my kindergarten year, back in those days when the kissy-kissy sound of some bully kids is enough to legally marry two people to each other. Ever since then, I vowed to be anything but meek. I want to become a “Girl Bully”, or G-ULLY. But that’s another story. 聞到汽油味道就嘔吐、踫跳兩下就暈眩滿眼金星;小時候的我,真可謂一個爛蘋果。 陽明山賞花、碧潭泛舟、石門水庫吃活魚…,短距離旅遊都得例行一吐,更別提新竹、台中了。翻看童年出遊照片,抵達目的地拍的第一張,我總是活脫一付剛從餿水桶打撈出來的慘狀,毫無例外。 《’Till Graduation Do Us Apart J 6-2》 「老輸!寡購依透賽啦~」(翻譯:蘋果吐屎) 幼稚園開學日,我不負眾望地在娃娃車上吐了一地,搞得滿身「豆花」。 咱們古代的娃娃車不似現在的大巴士一樣,座位 我清楚記得車上所有小朋友瞬間全擠到對面的座位,娃娃車幾乎要往一側傾斜。他們躲得了我,卻逃不過嘔吐物的惡臭。 I did more than just to impress people on my first day of school. I threw up in the bus and walked into classroom covered with cottage-cheese-like vomit, along with the distinct smell. What a way to start a school year! 《'Till Graduation Do Us ApartJ 6-3》 I was lucky as well unlucky that very same day. 《’Till Graduation Do Us Apart J 6-4》 兩個有著類似開學首日悲慘境遇、又同樣不懂「官方語言」的苦情鴛鴦,順水推舟地任由小朋友送作堆,倒也樂在其中。 我們維持良好關係的密訣,與成功婚姻的法則並無二致:相同的嗜好、多溝通少廢話 -- 橫豎說了也是白說。 與其雞同鴨講,我們自始至終比手劃腳,下課時間就結伴去抓瓢蟲。 Fates made us inseparable from the get go. He was like a breath of fresh air when I needed it the most. My stinky name was clear as my reputation as an amateur ladybug catcher blossomed. Kids forgot about his miserable stumble 3 weeks into school, because there was this other poor boy that pooped his pants. (you can never top this) 《’Till Graduation Do Us Apart J 6-5》 We exchanged ladybugs as vow. As for consummation, that was when he let me have a bite of his snack bar. (yes, chocolate bar, 明治巧力, nothing else) We shared the same hobby, never fight, maintain a smooth relation like a model couple. I even had a great feeling of excitement when realized we both missed school bus. It was like eloping to Vegas and secretly got married. 曾經,兩人因沈醉在愛河…,啊...好啦、好啦…其實是抓瓢蟲,我與皮膚白裡透紅、兩臉頰像個富士蘋果的「匍倒太郎」錯過了校車。 「男女雙方家長」接獲通知到校接人,我的媽、與他的娘以日語交談甚歡;看來她們對這椿娃娃親挺滿意的。 基於民族情感,我似乎應該仇視日本人;但以親身「試用」經驗,日本貨還真是漂亮精密、人性化、又好用。 《’Till Graduation Do Us Apart J 6-6》 這段「異國情緣」在幼稚園結業後當然就沒戲唱了。 去年回娘家整理陳年舊物,翻看大班橙組合照,大大出乎預料地,竟認不出哪個是與我相互扶持整學年、比我還像蘋果、一進教室就跌了個大地瓜的「匍倒太郎」。 至今回想起當年無聲勝有聲的患難與共,我這個認不得「前夫」的「髮妻」雖然足以被打入冷宮,但心頭仍是甜滋滋的呢! The thought of him still brings me indescribable bliss, back in the days when when we weren’t capable of writing mushy love notes, and ladybugs were our valentines.
《Everclear – Wonderful》 I close my eyes when it gets too sad
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