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2008/04/13 10:06:09瀏覽675|回應4|推薦23 | |
這場沒有免費的轉播, 我看的是洋基官網的Gameday(就是線上文字轉播啦)。 台灣上班族不少人在office也偷偷看這個吧? 看完了只有一個字好形容﹕ 爽啦﹗ 頌啦﹗ 看王建民投完7局才用70個球, 我就知道洋基教練一定會讓他投完9局。 狀況太好了嘛﹗ 對方投手Buchholz 雖也表現稱職, 投完6局用了98球, 就是被建仔給比下去啦﹗ 自己人誇不希奇 來看看洋基粉絲是怎麼說的: http://forums.nyyfans.com/showthread.php?t=105525 Re: Chien-Ming Wang Performance Thread -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't believe he's 3-0 already. 3-0? IT's APRIL 12TH. At this rate he's going to win 36 games!
有人說按這種速度王建民本季可有36勝 (聽聽就好,不要爽過頭)
by TheBamTino24 Originally Posted by ARoDfan4life Chien Ming Wang 3 - 0 Johan Santana 1 - 1 James Shields 1 - 1 Roy Halladay 1 - 1 C.C. Sabathia 0 - 2 Justin Verlander 0 - 1 Daniel Cabrera 0 - 0 Josh Beckett 0 - 1 有人把到昨晚為止的幾名投手的勝負及防禦率貼出來 His pitch count was low. This was an excellent Girardi decision. save the pen for the next 2 games. Ahh... yes... the "inside part of the plate" ... I look forward to seeing at lot more of that this year, thank you Mr. Girardi... it was clear how effective this is, Wang's game was outstanding ! by RogerNatural 有人稱讚王建民的低投球數省下洋基牛棚接下兩場的戰力 (教練Girardi的明智決定讓王完投)
BTW - where's the "Wang's Not An Ace Crew" that said they'd consider him an ace when he pitches well at Fenway??? Can we all finally accept that, in spite of two poorly pitched games on 3 days rest last year, this guy is a fabulous pitcher?
有人為王建民抱不平, 認為大家應該要接受王是Ace 級的投手。 之前一直有人不認為王是 ACE 雖是洋基的 No.1。 相不相信在去年的紛絲網上 光是王建民到底是不是NYY Ace or NYY No.1 就有不少討論
by 4bronxbombers
( 興趣嗜好|運動 ) |