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2009/05/07 05:04:33瀏覽1988|回應0|推薦13

早上看報紙讀到歐巴馬和副總統白登一起到 Virginia 州 Arlington 市的 Ray's Hell Burger 餐廳享用午餐, 點的餐是大部份美國民眾愛吃的漢堡, 覺得挺溫馨有趣的, 他們和漢堡店的顧客一樣, 排隊點餐付現金加小費, 然後等待用餐, 漢堡的價位是屬於平價水平, 一般美國民眾都能負擔得起, 與他一起在同個餐廳用餐的顧客, 也沒有太瘋狂意外的行為, 就連排隊在歐巴馬和白登前的顧客, 也沒有覺得驚訝的頻回頭.

這位很平民作風的總統, 直到取消在白宮的午餐會, 決定到 Ray's Hell Burger 用餐前才通知傳媒, 所有媒體都是臨時被通知, 給人不是刻意做作的感覺.

這種感受挺不錯了, 美國總統吃的與大眾沒啥不同, 他喜歡吃的, 大眾也喜歡吃, 難怪愈來愈多人喜歡這位總統. 他是在民眾之中, 而不是在民眾之上. 

受惠最多的, 當然是 Arlington 的這個餐廳 - Ray's Hell Burger, 聽說自從歐巴馬在此用餐的新聞發佈之後爆紅, 關於饕客們對這餐廳的評論, 可以到這個 URL link - http://www.yelp.com/biz/rays-hell-burger-arlington-2,

這兒有 Ray's Hell Burger 的詳細介紹, 包括他們的菜單: http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/ArHPrxKbbBjKh9J5h0h36Q?userid=8DqQqPnWLMllH2Dd0bETtQ

我也愈來愈喜歡漢堡堡, 漢堡堡的變化超多, 兩片麵包之間, 超乎想像, 常常有出人意外的驚喜, 妳/你可以在兩片麵包之間夾著任何喜歡吃的配料, 中式, 西式, 日本式... 都可以嚐試, 簡單的飲食, 常常想像無限, 口味千變萬化.



Obama, Biden satisfy sizzling burger craving

By BEN FELLER Associated Press Writer
ARLINGTON, Va.—It's like this: When you want a burger, you have to have a burger.

In this state of mind on Tuesday, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden took a short—but wholly noticeable—motorcade ride from the White House to Virginia and pulled into a small, independent burger joint called Ray's Hell Burger.

The two leaders went right up to the counter where the meat was being grilled and ordered.

Each fetched cash from his pocket and paid, and then the pair stood like the rest and waited for their number to be called before going to a table.

The restaurant, which prides itself on premium aged 10-ounce burgers, sits in a small strip plaza. The burgers sell for $6.95.

President Barack Obama is served his cheese burger, foreground, as he and Vice President Joe Biden, not pictured, eat lunch at Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Va., Tuesday, May 5, 2009. ((AP Photo/Charles Dharapak))

President Barack Obama pays for his order as he makes an unannounced visit to Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Va., to have lunch with Vice President Joe Biden, not pictured, Tuesday, May 5, 2009. ((AP Photo/Charles Dharapak))

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden pay for their order as they make an unannounced visit to Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Va., to have lunch, Tuesday, May 5, 2009. ((AP Photo/Charles Dharapak))

small strip plaza: 小型購物廣場,  通常是一整排的商店, 店面前有走廊, 顧客可以來回逛逛, 維基百科的解釋 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_mall
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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