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Click it or Ticket ^_^
2008/12/13 07:21:57瀏覽1271|回應0|推薦1

Click it or Ticket

在美國高速公路上開車, 依照美國高速公路交通安全局的規定, 車內的駕駛及乘客強制須繫上安全帶的 (Click it)... 否則就等著拿罰單了 (Ticket it)....

"Click It or Ticket" 是美國高速公路交通安全局推動青少年和年輕人開車繫上安全帶的宣傳活動及口號, 後來慢慢引用於全美國的高速公路上.  在加州 (California State) 矽谷灣區 (Silicon Valley, Bay Area)的高速公路上, 常可看到高速公路旁, 在大型電腦螢幕上不斷顯示 - Click It or Ticket It, 就是要不斷的提醒駕駛及乘客不要忘了繫上安全帶!!

以下是英文解釋, 抄錄於 wikipedia.org, 給各位參考....


Click It or Ticket is a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration mobilization campaign aimed at increasing the use of seat belts among young people in the United States. The campaign relies heavily on targeted advertising aimed at teens and young adults.

The Click It or Ticket campaign has existed on the state level for many years. In 1993, governor Jim Hunt launched the campaign in North Carolina in conjunction with a "Primary safety belt law", which allows law enforcement officers issue a safety belt citation, without observing another offence. Since then, other states have adopted the campaign. In May 2002, the ten states with the most comprehensive campaigns saw an increase of 8.6 percentage points from 68.5 to 77.1 percent in safety belt usage over a four-week period (Solomon, Ulmer, & Preusser, 2002). Recently, Congress approved $30 million in television and radio advertising at both the national and state levels.

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