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超顯瘦雙面布Sporty Dress
2017/02/22 18:50:18瀏覽464|回應0|推薦11

 Super slim sporty dress looks like two fabrics but acturally one fabric two sided knit. 

visual slimmer as I sewed side pannel by plain (purple) one with the main bodics (pink).

This pattern is from Burda Style 2015 Fall/Winter

It goes with my new fly knit. 搭fly knit 閃亮亮

 Back bodics used plain fabric. (purple)

雙面布 Double side fabric. Right side is pink, wrong side is purple

 sleeve i sewed the plain purple one.


Pattern: Burda Style 2015..Queen Nana

November Queen dress

Burda Style 2015 好愛德國人...創造Burda

yes, i moved my serging and sewing machine from 2f to 1F dinning room.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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