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Nov Queen Dress
2015/11/30 18:38:59瀏覽285|回應0|推薦0


 While I sewed Queen Nana dress, i was thinking to sew another stretchy fabric.

 Yes, it was hot in November.

see, i am ok with my neckline sewing...

 Pattern: Burda Style 2015


 hot..hot..hot..Flora was blooming in this hot November.


" I need more stretchy fabrics...."


I will go for the Fabric Sales in Dec...hunting for twill stretch woven fabric...for my outfit winter dress 2015/16.

i may sew 5 of this pattern this winter...believe me? ha...

" You won’t end up where you expect. And that’s okay." WGSN

( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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