三個禮拜化療一次讓阿母頭髮掉了一些, 阿母是開刀檢查發線3cm腫瘤馬上就切除. 打的是Cyclophosphamide環磷醯胺,
公車上阿母有說有笑提及Jojo(我弟的20個月女兒)有多可愛, 昨晚煎了新鮮忠貞買了的黃魚全家跟妹妹JOJO吃了好開心. 只有我弟仍吃阿母魯的牛肉..
"老闆, 這魚有大隻一點的嗎?"
"阿婆你快點買~算命的說我活不過今年" 20幾歲刺龍刺鳳的女菜販嘶吼著..
Fresh food super cheap price...Everything so Lively here~忠貞菜市場是阿母能量的來源
週四不是假日, 青菜好便宜. 很可惜大部份的人上班上學只能吃無聊的便當跟工廠千篇一律的菜色.
上週蕃茄一斤100..現在29!! 小黃瓜19!!
passionfruit 三斤一百!! (Passion for Fruit + Food give my mom energy ~~)
向記米干是阿母經常來吃的. 在貿易七村站牌下.
一點離開中原, 搭長庚專車一點30分就到醫院, 先去驗血, 約一小時後就可門診了
到五樓癌診中心. 發現今日比前次次人更多, 男生病患也增加. 還有的乳癌病患是躺在病床推進門診的
見到醫生. "想請教你乳癌遺傳基因的問題, 醫生我美國阿姨也得乳癌,她請我們這些子女檢測一下有無乳癌遺傳" (9/12 note後來打給美國阿姨她乳癌只有針頭大小, 已經沒事了)
阿母插嘴說" 醫生我90幾歲阿嬤爆乳而死"
醫生回阿母說"妳確定90幾歲阿嬤是得乳癌, 遺傳是要隔代才算"
"與其花大錢檢測癌症基因(台大要7000), 還不如到1F免掛號, 免費10分鐘馬上做乳房攝影"
雖然妳還沒滿45歲, 但你二等親有得妳就可免費檢查.
(心想若沒胸部的32 A, B的如何擠出來拍照阿)
ps 1. 食物可以傳遞愛, how to feel happy whenever possible.
ps 2 9 tips for shopping at farmer market from lulu blog
1. the early bird gets the worm freshest produce
Get there early for the cream of the crop. You’ll beat the crowds and earn a little extra face-time with the farmers. It’s a passion and a science to cultivate beautiful produce so don’t underestimate their knowledge when it comes to how to pick and prepare whatever is in season.越早去越好..溫阿母也說是這樣, 越早去挑的諸肉最好.
2. bring small bills
Often times farmers’ markets will be cash only – do your local vendor a favour and bring the smallest bills you’ve got – you’ll save them from running out of small change and land yourself on their good side (which is a great place to be)!
一把菜十元, 一大包豆漿十元, 兩塊豆腐十元..是的帶銅板就好
3. do a once around first
Scope out the scene before you start filling up your basket with goodies – it’s the only way to discover who’s offering the best stuff for the best prices!
4. byo-bag
Everybody wins when you use a reusable shopper. From minimizing waste for the environment to saving the vendor a few cents a bag, it’s an easy way to earn some good karma (and a more reliable way to carry a melon home). Plus, we happen to know a little place that has some great reusable shoppers!
5. know what’s in season
If you know what’s in season you’re more likely to come home with the best tasting stuff. Simple. Check out the app ‘Seasons’ for an easy guide to what’s fresh when, in your region! Bonus: it even lets you know of markets happening close to you!
ya..買季節食物. 沒有人冬天買竹筍的吧
6. just because it’s a farmers market doesn’t mean it’s local
Take the time to read up on what kind of market you’re headed to. Read the ‘rules’ of the market for insight on what kind of produce you might be looking at. It’s not uncommon for markets to allow vendors to offer commercially-purchased and imported goods. Talk to the people behind the counters for the full story on where you’re food is really coming from – they’ll know it best.
7. organic or not organic?
Here’s another sneaky one – just because something isn’t labeled “organic” doesn’t mean it isn’t produced following organic principles. Certifications can be very expensive and can discourage small local farms from receiving the official documentation. Ask the farmers about their philosophies and make the call accordingly!
有機的用看的就知. 營養不良的
8. have a method to your madness
It’s not a bad idea to spend a little time strategically thinking about the order in which you buy stuff. Purchasing heavier items first is great because you’ll want them at the bottom of the bags but you’ll end up having to lug them around. Buying lighter items first is easier on the biceps but will require a rearrange half way through your shop. It’s a personal preference thing but worth considering!
9. take your time
Farmers’ markets are best shopped when you are not on a schedule. Try to avoid “fitting in” a trip on an already busy day - if you’re anything like me you’ll get flustered and stressed. Take the time to soak in the experience and do it right. You’ll leave relaxed and inspired to get creative in the kitchen.
ya. 誰知餐桌上的菜色為何, 走一躺菜市場才知的..