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follow the leadersheep當一隻領頭羊
2015/02/16 18:39:12瀏覽499|回應0|推薦2

這張ice breaker 的new zealand 海報可以將我過去的工作 New Zealand (new zealand tourism board)帶台灣旅行社老闆及記者大爺去紐西蘭看

現在的工作Fiber(高級Nylon 66服飾紗線)串連起來...

 icebreaker NZ: having fun in the nature

Merino is nature against your skin. Synthetics are plastic and hold odour. We only add the minimum synthetics, where it makes merino better


Nuyarn NZ technology is changing the very fabric of yarn.

Being resourceful kiwis, making the best even better is our mantra.

頭帶N66頭巾 及身穿Polyester發熱纖維+織布及成衣姐妹單位所制成的背心..也算一身集團綜效了..


Yes, follow the leaderSHEEP...當領頭羊才是...

這是ISPO award 可載10隻nana的tent..但要找3隻樹幹..綁好..


ps.nana 設計的Nylon 66極緻手感頭巾在零下12度C送給ISPO客戶. 這可是我去首爾考察後商品研發的..






ps 2..

Yes, don’t let Negativity and Bias influence your passion for accomplish mission.

第一次公司參展及看展, 在ISPO行前/ 行程中及行程後承受不少組織內的negativity 負面之酸言酸語及bias偏見(男生很懂嗎?但也知線(紗)與面(布)...sewing a garment才有靈魂ㄚ) . You got to ignore these and FOCUS on what's need to accomplish of visiting goals...Once you did this, your teamate will support you. I am gratitude for this. Thank you my sisters.


( 心情隨筆工作職場 )
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