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rose- in- autumn Short jacket , No 1 sewing outfit from Fabric Box
2016/11/14 19:51:38瀏覽414|回應0|推薦1

 Weather like this. 20-28 degree. Best time of this year. Not too cold to wear heavy coat, not too hot to wear one layer simple dress..Time to dress yourself with layers you like.

Idea outfit for work is short jacket with a dress. As short jacket deliver Business attitude and one piece of dress give more soft feminine. That your bossy boss will treat you nicely while you dress professional and in a soft sweet tone.


 Can you see its Tiger pattern right side of short jacket, and Rose full blooming inside with gentle melody. (the lenght of front bodic is 1" longer than side seam and back bodics) 


 Fabric gift box from Nina Hsinchu to nana in TAOYUAN. Ha

Keep hands free and enjoy relaxing weekend just posted them in a sweet box.

Front or right side of fabric cost nt207 or 6.3usd for 4 meters. on the bill, it realy showed Tiger fabric...other knit fabric (one wool) only 1usd per meter...The orange knit only 19nt (0.6usd) per meter Wow~ Whole box amounted 931 nt or 29usd for 10 yards of fabrics.


I wore this denim short jacket to work today, its feel sew comfortable.

 I did my first sewing project from the box, here is the rest...

1. Orange knit 19nt per meter

2. Red wool knit 31nt per meter

3. Pink sparking knit 31nt per meter

4. Orange Wave knit 31nt per meter

5. Wool plaid woven 31nt per meter


 Under the super moon..well I would like to sew__________(pls fill in this blank) for my winter outfit



notes for improvement

1. armhold next to side seam should have 1" allowance...10"+2cm for front armhole and back armhole

2. sleeve length is guite good

3 its' good to cut the right and wrong side together on one pattern. just sew two jacket first. and them sew right side jacket and wrong side jacket together will match 100%.

ha..(this is important ...take notes here)



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