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Flora denim jackets & Fur Scarf
2016/11/06 16:27:04瀏覽258|回應0|推薦0


 i like to have a denim jacket, but i can not find one on the store.

sew I sew my own denim jacket with lovely flora dress on it.


Eailer this morning, i get my own fur scarf. it only took 5 minute to finish it.

 See how it sew cosy and warm neck around me.



notes for improvment

1. this is perfect sleeve i ever sewed..just my perfect size..(use this as pattern ever)

2. denim fabric though not cheap but it deliver higher softness and lightness...(3usd per meters..)

3. love this jacket, will be my best outfit


( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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