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2016/11/13 15:04:01瀏覽364|回應0|推薦2

 short trip short Jacket..sew my own  flora denim jacket


Last Friday was 11/11 a holiday for labor which compensate 11/12 birthday of Sun Yi San Father of China/ Taiwan.

When i planned my little trip I was thinking of how can I buy fabrics and visit my Husband in Hsi Chu for staying 1 or 2 night there.

1. Well, I did buy fabrics at local fabric store in Hsi chu for some great bargin. but I mailed them all from the postoffice nearby to my address at work...Sender and Receiver all Nana..Ha.

In that fabric store, the cost of denim fabric so high and too thin for me. so i did not buy it.  but sewing a short denim jacket kept in my mind. 


2. after watch the not so bad not so good movie that you can't remember any script in that movie, I bought a short denim jacket at H&M store. price tag showed 799ntd or 25usd

and I sewed a short flora denim jacket

短版牛仔外套 內里碎花厚棉布。h&m 799 外套當版子




3) Bought a coffee dripper for only 200ntd..

 4) this soup that you will get up from warm bed in late night..only 2 usd dollar for this soup..


4) made of bean , a sweet, only ntd 40. less than 1.5usd.. 


Dressing a smiling face..足感心耶



notes for improvment.

1 sleeve too long and too wide.

2 denim fabric too rough not soft enough for apparel, good for sewing bags for its duarability,

3. the flora fabric so cotton ...very very good.


( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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