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Sew my own Summer Tight-炫腹露肚裝
2015/08/01 19:16:41瀏覽382|回應0|推薦2


Long line Bra Top is perferct for show off my wasit line..


35"-25.5"-36"....I have nothing but a ruller to measure my body shape. I had a lot of scares in July. First is car accident, secornd is.xxx..甚麼都沒有,還有一把尺量三圍...我七月驚嚇太多了.

55kg...my weight climbed to 57kg in June, after few shocks, now back to 55kg.先前57kg, 驚嚇後回到55kg


----支付你薪資的並不是雇主 (空口說白話的雇主...),他們只是掌管錢而已。真正支付你薪資的是顧客。亨利.福特講的.---

就在我身心受傷時, 到遠企The Mall 客戶的商品櫃檯...心里一陣溫暖...

"妹妹, 夏天很熱,為何要圍圍脖的阿" (故意問)

"因為這圍脖用的紗線會自然涼, 可以加水效果更加. 夏天太陽大, 還可當頭巾的.."



Natural cooling...n66 “neckcooling”.

跟eversmile 妹show韓國考察的package. 若能改cute一點的包裝, 還可加價200...



"Disappointed performance?"



I don't give a crap




我的"市場"價值market value..自已知道...

FULL ON...Nana ...Focus on CUSTOMER...

"With a passion for being creative among inspiring people...."

 紗-線-布-衣....串起來一群talented designers....to make a Garment Meaningful...


( 興趣嗜好其他 )
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