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Enjoy my alone-but-not-lonely meal...
2015/03/20 20:50:01瀏覽71|回應0|推薦0


 Eat Alone...




我回她.."55歲要去我家旁cosco 打工。継續賣笑。才能健康美丽下去"

(然後sew along..繼續nana sewing下去...眼花可能就更粗枝大葉的設計才行...)

我仍是eat alone, work alone, walk along...的


安靜..沒人打擾的宮殿里..thinking palace..


Walk Alone...

Work Alone...


Never felt lonely being alone....

Mindful.. remember to care for yourself as much as you care for others...

Nubmerologist...said 0620 is...

"The virtues of solitude appeal to you most as it allows you the peace and acres of time that you need to investigate your favorite subjects. An important part of your self-expression is the ability to be able to pass this knowledge onto a willing enthusiast

You are also likely to choose a romantic partner that shares your intellectual passions. "

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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