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英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
"一、MEDICAL DISCIPLING CONDITION WITH ACCOMPANING OR RELATED PROBLEM" 一、常見內科或伴隨之疾病 MEDICAL DISCIPLING CONDITION 內科疾病 Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核病 011.90 011.90 Diabetes mellitus , type II 第二型糖尿病 250.00 250.00 Diabetes mellitus , type II, with neuropathy 糖尿病所致之多發神經病變 250.60 + 357.2 250.60 + 357.2 Diabetes mellitus , type II, with peripheral circulatory disorders 第二型糖尿病,伴有末稍血管循環疾病 250.70 + 785.4 250.70 + 785.4 Diabetes mellitus , type II, with ulcer of lower limbs 第二型糖尿病,伴有下肢皮膚潰瘍 250.80 + 707.1 250.80 + 707.10 Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9 Obesity 肥胖症 278.0 278.00 Anemia 貧血 285.9 285.9 Trans-sexualism with sexual history 變性症伴有性經歷 302.50 302.50 Paralysis agitans 震顫麻痺,巴金森氏症 332.0 332.0 Hemiplegia 半身麻痺,偏癱 342.9 342.90 Infantile cerebral palsy 嬰兒腦性麻痺 343.9 343.9 Quadriplegia 四肢麻痺,四肢癱瘓 344.0 344.00 Paraplegia 下身麻痺,截癱 344.1 344.1 Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9 Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431 Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold) 急性鼻咽炎(感冒) 460 460 Acute upper respiratory infections 急性上呼吸道感染 465.9 465.9 Chronic obstructive asthma (with obstructive pulmonary disease) 慢性阻塞性氣喘(併阻塞性肺炎) without status asthmaticus 未提及氣喘積重狀態 493.20 493.20 with status asthmaticus 併氣喘積重狀態 493.21 493.21 Chronic liver disease without mention of alcohol 慢性肝病,未提及酒精性者 571.9 571.9 Chronic renal failure 慢性腎衰竭 585 585 ACCOMPANING OR RELATED PROBLEM 伴隨疾病 Raynaud's syndrome 雷諾徵候群 443.0 443.0 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) 血栓閉塞性血管炎(柏格爾病 ) 443.1 443.1 Varicose veins of lower extremities 下肢靜脈曲張 with ulcer 伴有潰瘍 454.0 454.0 without ulcer or inflammation 未提及潰瘍及發炎 454.9 454.9 Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0 Chronic osteomyelitis 慢性骨髓炎 730.10 730.10 Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 724.2 Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3 二、INJURY 二、外傷 Sprains and strains 扭傷拉傷 Sprains and strains of 扭傷及拉傷 Wrist 腕 842.00 842.00 Hand 手 842.10 842.10 Ankle 踝 845.00 845.00 Foot 足 845.10 845.10 Unspecified site 未明示部位 848.9 848.9 Superficial injury 表淺損傷 Superficial injury 表淺損傷 Face, neck and scalp except eye 臉、頸及頭皮,眼除外 without infection 未提及感染 910.8 910.8 infected 伴有感染 910.9 910.9 Trunk 軀幹 without infection 未提及感染 911.8 911.8 infected 伴有感染 911.9 911.9 Shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂 without infection 未提及感染 912.8 912.8 infected 伴有感染 912.9 912.9 Elbow, forearm and wrist 肘、前臂及腕 without infection 未提及感染 913.8 913.8 infected 伴有感染 913.9 913.9 Hand(s) except finger(s) 手 ,手指除外 without infection 未提及感染 914.8 914.8 infected 伴有感染 914.9 914.9 Finger(s) 手指 without infection 未提及感染 915.8 915.8 infected 伴有感染 915.9 915.9 Hip, thigh, leg and ankle 髖、大腿、小腿及踝 without infection 未提及感染 916.8 916.8 infected 伴有感染 916.9 916.9 Foot and toe(s) 足及趾 without infection 未提及感染 917.8 917.8 infected 伴有感染 917.9 917.9 Other 其他 without infection 未提及感染 919.8 919.8 infected 伴有感染 919.9 919.9 Contusion 挫傷 Contusion 挫傷 Face, scalp and neck 臉、頭皮及頸 920 920 Upper limb 上肢 923.9 923.9 Lower limb 下肢 924.9 924.9 Crushing injury 壓砸傷 Crushing injury 壓砸傷 Hand(s) 手 927.20 927.20 Wrist 腕 927.21 927.21 Finger(s) 手指 927.3 927.3 Multiple sites of upper limb 上肢多處部位 927.8 927.8 Foot 足 928.20 928.20 Ankle 踝 928.21 928.21 Toe(s) 趾 928.3 928.3 Multiple sites of lower limb 下肢多處部位 928.8 928.8 Open wound 開放性傷口 Open wound 開放性傷口 Ocular adnexa 眼附屬器官 870.9 870.9 Ear 耳 without complication 未提及併發症 872.8 872.8 complicated 伴有併發症 872.9 872.9 Scalp 頭皮 without complication 未提及併發症 873.0 873.0 complicated 伴有併發症 873.1 873.1 Nose 鼻 without complication 未提及併發症 873.20 873.20 complicated 伴有併發症 873.30 873.30 Face 臉 without complication 未提及併發症 873.40 873.40 complicated 伴有併發症 873.50 873.50 Mouth 口 without complication 未提及併發症 873.60 873.60 complicated 伴有併發症 873.70 873.70 Neck 頸 without complication 未提及併發症 874.8 874.8 complicated 伴有併發症 874.9 874.9 Genital organs(external) including traumatic amputation (外)生殖器官開放性傷口,包括外傷性截斷 without complication 未提及併發症 878.8 878.8 complicated 伴有併發症 878.9 878.9 Multiple sites 多處部位 without complication 未提及併發症 879.8 879.8 complicated 伴有併發症 879.9 879.9 Upper arm 上臂 without complication 未提及併發症 880.03 880.03 complicated 伴有併發症 880.13 880.13 Multiple sites of shoulder and upper arm 肩及上臂多發位置開放性傷口 without complication 未提及併發症 880.09 880.09 complicated 伴有併發症 880.19 880.19 Forearm 前臂 without complication 未提及併發症 881.00 881.00 complicated 伴有併發症 881.10 881.10 with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.20 881.20 Elbow 肘 without complication 未提及併發症 881.01 881.01 complicated 伴有併發症 881.11 881.11 with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.21 881.21 Wrist 腕 without complication 未提及併發症 881.02 881.02 complicated 伴有併發症 881.12 881.12 with tendon involvement 傷及肌腱 881.22 881.22 Hand except finger(s) 手 ,手指除外 without complication 未提及併發症 882.0 882.0 complicated 伴有併發症 882.1 882.1 Finger(s) 手指 without complication 未提及併發症 883.0 883.0 complicated 伴有併發症 883.1 883.1 Knee, leg(except thigh) and ankle 膝、腿(大腿除外)及足踝 without complication 未提及併發症 891.0 891.0 complicated 伴有併發症 891.1 891.1 Foot except toe(s) 足部(趾除外) without complication 未提及併發症 892.0 892.0 complicated 伴有併發症 892.1 892.1 Toe(s) 趾部 without complication 未提及併發症 893.0 893.0 complicated 伴有併發症 893.1 893.1 INJURY TO NERVE 神經損傷 Injury to 損傷 951.2 951.2 Trigeminal nerve 三叉神經 Facial nerve 顏面神經 951.4 951.4 Median nerve 正中神經 955.1 955.1 Ulnar nerve 尺神經 955.2 955.2 Radial nerve 橈神經 955.3 955.3 Cutaneous sensory nerve, upper limb 皮膚感覺神經 ,上肢 955.5 955.5 Digital nerve 指神經 955.6 955.6 Posterior tibial nerve 脛後神經 956.2 956.2 Peroneal nerve 腓神經 956.3 956.3 INJURY TO TENDON 肌腱損傷 Open wound with tendon involvement 開放性傷口,傷及肌腱 Hand except finger(s) alone 手,手指除外 882.2 882.2 Finger(s) 手指 883.2 883.2 Multiple of upper limb 上肢多處 884.2 884.2 Knee, leg(except thigh) and ankle 膝、小腿(大腿除外)及足踝 891.2 891.2 Foot except toe(s) 足部(趾除外) 892.2 892.2 Toe(s) 趾 893.2 893.2 Multiple of lower limb 下肢多處 894.2 894.2 INJURY TO BLOOD VESSEL 血管損傷 Injury 損傷 Carotid 頸動脈 900.00 900.00 Brachial blood vessels 臂血管 903.1 903.1 Radial blood vessels 橈血管 903.2 903.2 Ulnar blood vessels 尺血管 903.3 903.3 Palmar artery 掌動脈 903.4 903.4 Digital blood vessels 指血管 903.5 903.5 Blood vessel of upper extremity 上肢血管 903.9 903.9 Blood vessels of lower extremity 下肢血管 904.9 904.9 FRACTURE AND DISLOCATION 骨折及脫臼 Fracture 骨折 Vault of skull with intracranial injury, open 開放性顱骨穹窿,合併顱內受損 800.90 800.90 Nasal bones 鼻骨骨折 Closed 閉鎖性 802.0 802.0 Open 開放性 802.1 802.1 Mandible 下頷骨骨折 Closed 閉鎖性 802.20 802.20 Open 開放性 802.30 802.30 Malar and maxillary bones 顴骨及上頷骨骨折 Closed 閉鎖性 802.4 802.4 Open 開放性 802.5 802.5 Orbital floor (blow-out) 眶底 Closed 閉鎖性 802.6 802.6 Open 開放性 802.7 802.7 Facial bones 顏面骨 Closed 閉鎖性 802.8 802.8 Open 開放性 802.9 802.9 Multiple fracture with intracranial injury, open 開放性多處骨折,侵及顱骨或顏面骨,合併顱內受損 804.90 804.90 Carpal bone 腕骨 Closed 閉鎖性 814.00 814.00 Open 開放性 814.10 814.10 Metacarpal bone(s) 掌骨 Closed 閉鎖性 815.00 815.00 Open 開放性 815.10 815.10 Phalanx or phalanges 指骨或趾骨 Closed 閉鎖性 816.00 816.00 Open 開放性 816.10 816.10 Multiple fractures of hand 手骨多處骨折 Closed 閉鎖性 817.0 817.0 Open 開放性 817.1 817.1 Tibia alone 脛骨 Closed 閉鎖性 823.80 823.80 Open 開放性 823.90 823.90 Fibula alone 腓骨 Closed 閉鎖性 823.81 823.81 Open 開放性 823.91 823.91 Tibia and fibula 脛骨與腓骨 Closed 閉鎖性 823.82 823.82 Open 開放性 823.92 823.92 One or more phalanges of foot 一個或多個腳趾骨 Closed 閉鎖性 826.0 826.0 Open 開放性 826.1 826.1 Other, multiple and ill-defined fractures of lower limb 下肢之其他多處及診斷欠明之骨折 Closed 閉鎖性 827.0 827.0 Open 開放性 827.1 827.1 Dislocation 脫臼 Finger 手指脫臼 Closed 閉鎖性 834.00 834.00 Open 開放性 834.10 834.10 Foot 足 Closed 閉鎖性 838.00 838.00 Open 開放性 838.10 838.10 TRAUMATIC AMPUTATION 外傷性截肢 Thumb 拇指 without complication 未提及併發症 885.0 885.0 complicated 伴有併發症 885.1 885.1 Fingers 手指 without complication 未提及併發症 886.0 886.0 complicated 伴有併發症 886.1 886.1 Below elbow, unilateral 單側,肘以下 without complication 未提及併發症 887.0 887.0 complicated 伴有併發症 887.1 887.1 At or above elbow, unilateral 單側,肘或肘以上 without complication 未提及併發症 887.2 887.2 complicated 伴有併發症 887.3 887.3 Arm and hand, unilateral 單側之臂及手 without complication 未提及併發症 887.4 887.4 complicated 伴有併發症 887.5 887.5 Arm and hand, bilateral, any level 雙側任何部位之臂及手 without complication 未提及併發症 887.6 887.6 complicated 伴有併發症 887.7 887.7 Toe(s) 趾 without complication 未提及併發症 895.0 895.0 complicated 伴有併發症 895.1 895.1 Foot 足部 without complication 未提及併發症 Unilateral 單側 896.0 896.0 Bilateral 雙側 896.2 896.2 complicated 伴有併發症 Unilateral 單側 896.1 896.1 Bilateral 雙側 896.3 896.3 Below knee, unilateral 單側,膝關節以下 without complication 未提及併發症 897.0 897.0 complicated 伴有併發症 897.1 897.1 Leg(s), at or above knee, unilateral 單側膝關節或膝關節以上 without complication 未提及併發症 897.2 897.2 complicated 伴有併發症 897.3 897.3 Leg(s) 腿部 without complication 未提及併發症 Unilateral 單側 897.4 897.4 Bilateral 雙側 897.6 897.6 complicated 伴有併發症 Unilateral 單側 897.5 897.5 Bilateral 雙側 897.7 897.7 Open wound of genital organs(external) including traumatic amputation (外)生殖器官開放性傷口,包括外傷性截斷 878.8 878.8 Burn 燒傷 Burn 燒傷 Eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官 940.9 940.9 Face and head 臉及頭 941.00 941.00 Trunk 軀幹 942.00 942.00 Upper limb 上肢 943.00 943.00 Hand(s) 手 944.00 944.00 Lower limb (leg) 下肢(小腿) 945.00 945.00 Multiple sites 多處燒傷 946.0 946.0 BURN OF BODY SURFACE 燒傷之體表面積 Burn of body surface (any degree) , less than 10% or unspecified third degree 燒傷體表面積 (任何程度) ,少於10%或體表面積未明之三度燒傷 Less than 10% 少於10% 948.00 948.00 10-19% 10-19% 948.10 948.10 20-29% 20-29% 948.20 948.20 30-39% 30-39% 948.30 948.30 40-49% 40-49% 948.40 948.40 50-59% 50-59% 948.50 948.50 60-69% 60-69% 948.60 948.60 70-79% 70-79% 948.70 948.70 80-89% 80-89% 948.80 948.80 90% or more 90% or more 948.90 948.90 INHALATION INJURY 吸入性傷害 Burn of larynx, trachea and lung 喉,氣管及肺燒傷 947.1 947.1 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide 一氧化碳之毒性作用 986 986 CHEMICAL BURN 化學性燒傷 Toxic effect of caustic 腐蝕性之毒性作用 983.9 983.9 ELECTRIC BURN 電傷 Electrocution and nonfatal effects of electric current 電死及電流所致之非致命性後果 994.8 994.8 LATE EFFECT OF BURN 燒傷之後遺症 Late effect of burn 燒傷之後遺症 Eye, face, head, and neck 眼、臉、頭及頸部 906.5 906.5 Wrist and hand 腕及手 906.6 906.6 Extremities 四肢 906.7 906.7 Other specified sites 其他位置 906.8 906.8 Unspecified site 未明示位置 906.9 906.9 EFFECTS OF REDUCED TEMPERATURE 溫度低之影響 Effects of reduced temperature 溫度降低之影響 991.9 991.9 BITES 咬傷 Bites of venomous snakes, lizards, and spiders 毒蛇、蜥蜴、蜘蛛咬傷 989.5 989.5 三、COSMETIC SURGERY 三、美容 Elective surgery for plastic surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearance 因不滿意美容外表之整形手術 V50.1 V50.1 Dermatochalasis 眼瞼皮鬆弛症 374.87 374.87 Ptosis of eyelid 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30 Blepharochalasis 瞼弛緩症 374.34 374.34 Hyperpigmentation of eyelid 眼瞼色素沈著,黑眼圈 374.52 374.52 Major anomalies of jaw size 頷骨大小顯著異常 524.0 524.00 Anomalies of nose 鼻畸形 748.1 748.1 Acquired deformity of nose 鼻後天性變形 738.0 738.0 Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin 疤痕病態及皮膚纖維化 709.2 709.2 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4 Disorders of sweat glands 汗腺疾患 (狐臭) 705.89 705.89 Alopecia 禿 704.00 704.00 Hirsutism 多毛症 704.1 704.1 Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79 Dyschromia 異色症 (刺青) 709.0 709.00 Complications due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物、及移植物所致之併發症 Infection and inflammatory reaction 感染及發炎反應 996.69 996.69 Other complications 其他併發症 996.79 996.79 Localized adiposity 局部性肥胖病 (適用於抽脂術) 278.1 278.1 四、CONGENITAL ANOMALY 四、先天畸型 EYE 眼 Blepharophimosis 瞼孔縮小 374.46 374.46 Congenital ptosis 先天性上眼瞼下垂 743.61 743.61 Congenital deformities of eyelids 先天性眼瞼變形 743.62 743.62 EAR 耳 Accessory auricle 副耳廓畸形 744.1 744.1 Microtia 小耳畸形 744.23 744.23 Anomaly of ear 耳畸形 744.3 744.3 BRACHIAL 鰓 Brachial cleft sinus or fistula 先天性鰓裂竇或廔管 744.41 744.41 Brachial cleft cyst 先天性鰓裂囊腫 744.42 744.42 Preauriculr sinus or fistula 耳廓前竇或廔管 744.46 744.46 Preauriculr cyst 耳廓前囊腫 744.47 744.47 Macrostomia 巨口畸形 744.83 744.83 Anomalies of face and neck 臉、頸畸形 744.89 744.89 LIP, PALATE 唇, 顎 Cleft palate 顎裂 749.00 749.00 Cleft lip 唇裂 749.10 749.10 Cleft palate with cleft lip 顎裂伴有唇裂 749.20 749.20 TONGUE 舌 Tongue tie 舌繫帶短縮 750.0 750.0 Macroglossia 巨舌畸形 750.15 750.15 SKULL AND FACE 顱顏 Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of skull, face, and jaw 頭顱、面部及頷骨之先天性肌肉骨骼變形 754.0 754.0 Anomalies of skull and face bones 頭顱及顏面骨先天畸形 756.0 756.0 Down's syndrome 唐氏症候群 758.0 758.0 NECK 頸 Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of sternocleidomastoid muscle 胸鎖乳突肌之肌肉骨骼變形 (斜頸) 754.1 754.1 GENITOURINARY TRACT 生殖泌尿道 Hypospadias 尿道下裂 752.6 752.61 Epispadias 尿道上裂 752.6 752.62 EXTREMITIS 四肢 Polydactyly 多指畸形 Fingers 手指 755.01 755.01 Toes 腳趾 755.02 755.02 Syndactyly 融合畸形 Multiple 多發性 755.10 755.10 Fingers without fusion of bone 手指,不含骨併連 755.11 755.11 Fingers with fusion of bone 手指,合併骨併連 755.12 755.12 Toes without fusion of bone 腳趾,不含骨併連 755.13 755.13 Toes with fusion of bone 腳趾,合併骨併連 755.14 755.14 Reduction deformities of upper limb 上肢之減損畸形 755.20 755.20 Reduction deformity of lower limb 下肢減損畸形 755.30 755.30 Macrodactylia (fingers) 巨指畸形(手指) 755.57 755.57 Cleft hand, congenital 先天性裂手畸形 755.58 755.58 Macrodactylia of toes 巨趾畸形(腳趾) 755.65 755.65 BLOOD VESSELS 血管 Vascular hamartomas 血管迷走瘤 757.32 757.32 PIGMENTARY 色素 Congenital pigmentary anomalies of skin 先天性皮膚色素畸形 757.33 757.33 BREAST 乳房 Anomalies of breast 乳房畸形 757.6 757.6 Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79 五、SKIN AND SOFT TISSUE 五、皮膚和軟組織 INFECTION 感染 Viral warts 病毒性疣 078.1 078.10 Carbuncle and furuncle 癰及癤 680.9 680.9 Cellulitis and abscess 蜂窩組織炎及膿瘍 Neck 頸部 682.1 682.1 Trunk 軀幹 682.2 682.2 Upper arm and forearm 上臂及前臂 682.3 682.3 Hand, except fingers and thumb 手 ,手指除外 682.4 682.4 Buttock 臀部 682.5 682.5 Leg, except foot 下肢 ,足除外 682.6 682.6 Foot, except toes 足 ,足趾除外 682.7 682.7 Impetigo 膿泡性 684 684 Pyoderma 膿皮病 686.0 686.00 Pyogenic granuloma 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1 CHRONIC ULCER OF SKIN 皮膚慢性潰瘍 Decubitus ulcer 褥瘡 707.0 707.0 Ulcer of lower limbs, except decubitus 下肢潰瘍,裖瘡除外 707.1 707.10 Chronic ulcer of skin 皮膚慢性潰瘍 707.8 707.8 BENIGN NEOPLASM 良性腫瘤 Benign neoplasm of 良性腫瘤 Lip 唇 210.0 210.0 Major salivary glands 主要唾液腺 210.2 210.2 Bone and articular cartilage 骨骼及關節軟骨 213.9 213.9 Connective and other soft tissue 結締組織及其他軟組織 215.9 215.9 Skin of lip 唇部皮膚 216.0 216.0 Eyelid, including canthus 眼臉(包括眼角)皮膚 216.1 216.1 Skin of ear and external auditory canal 耳及外耳道皮膚 216.2 216.2 Skin of face 臉部皮膚 216.3 216.3 Scalp and skin of neck 頭皮及頸皮膚 216.4 216.4 Skin of trunk, except scrotum 軀幹皮膚,陰囊除外 216.5 216.5 Skin of upper limb, including shoulder 上肢(包括肩部)皮膚 216.6 216.6 Skin of lower limb, including hip 下肢(包括髖部)皮膚 216.7 216.7 Breast 乳房 217 217 Lipoma 脂肪瘤 214.9 214.9 Hemangioma 血管瘤 228.00 228.00 Pyogenic granuloma 化膿性肉芽腫 686.1 686.1 Mucocele 黏液囊腫 527.6 527.6 Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40 Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43 Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 腱鞘大細胞腫瘤 727.02 727.02 Neurofibromatosis 神經纖維瘤病 237.70 237.70 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫,小針美容後遺症 709.4 709.4 Swelling,mass,or lump in head and neck 頸部及頭部之腫脹或腫塊 784.2 784.2 MALIGNANT NEOPLASM 惡性腫瘤 Malignant neoplasm 惡性腫瘤 Connective and other soft tissue 結締組織及其他軟組織 171.9 171.9 Malignant melanoma of skin 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤 172.9 172.9 Skin 皮膚 173.9 173.9 Female breast 女性乳房 174.9 174.9 Lip, vermilion border 唇,唇紅緣 140.9 140.9 Tongue 舌部 141.9 141.9 Salivary gland 唾液腺 142.9 142.9 Gum 齒齦 143.9 143.9 Floor of mouth 口底 144.9 144.9 Mouth 口部 145.9 145.9 OTHER DISEASES 其他疾病 Contact dermatitis and other eczema 接觸性皮膚炎及其他濕疹 692.9 692.9 Corns and callosities 雞眼及胼胝 700 700 Keratoderma, acquired 角皮症,後天性 701.1 701.1 Keloid scar 瘢瘤 701.4 701.4 Alopecia 禿 704.00 704.00 Hirsutism 多毛症 704.1 704.1 Hidradenitis 汗腺炎 705.83 705.83 Disorders of sweat glands 汗腺疾患 (狐臭) 705.89 705.89 Acne 痤瘡 706.1 706.1 Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin 疤痕病態及皮膚纖維化 709.2 709.2 Varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer 下肢靜脈曲張伴有潰瘍 454.0 454.0 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫,小針美容後遺症 709.4 709.4 Hyperhidrosis 多汗症 780.8 780.8 六、BREAST 六、乳房 Benign neoplasm of breast 乳房良性腫廇 217 217 Solitary cyst of breast 乳房單一囊腫 610.0 610.0 Diffuse cystic mastopathy 瀰漫性囊腫性乳房病變 610.1 610.1 Inflammatory disease of breast 乳房之炎症 611.0 611.0 Hypertrophy of breast 乳房肥大症 611.1 611.1 Atrophy of breast 乳房萎縮 611.4 611.4 Lump or mass in breast 乳房腫塊或硬塊 611.72 611.72 Inversion of nipple 乳頭縮回 611.79 611.79 Disorders of breast 乳房疾病 611.8 611.8 Malignant neoplasm of female breast 女性乳房惡性腫瘤 174.9 174.9 Anomalies of breast 乳房畸形 757.6 757.6 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物及移植物所致之感染及發炎反應 996.69 996.69 Complications due to internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft 體內義體裝置物及移植物之併發症 996.79 996.79 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 709.4 709.4 七、HEAD AND NECK 七、頭及頸 Facial nerve disorder 面神經疾患 351.9 351.9 Entropion 眼瞼內翻 374.00 374.00 Ectropion 眼瞼外翻 374.10 374.10 Lagophthalmos 兔眼 374.20 374.20 Ptosis of eyelid 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30 Deformity due to trauma or surgery 外傷或手術造成之眼窩畸形 376.47 376.47 Enophthalmos 眼球凹陷 376.50 376.50 Enophthalmos due to trauma or surgery 外傷或手術造成之眼球凹陷 376.52 376.52 Hematoma of auricle or pinna 耳廓血腫 380.31 380.31 Acquired deformiteis of auricle or pinna 耳廓後天性畸形 380.32 380.32 Deviated nasal septum 鼻中隔彎曲 470 470 Acquired deformity of nose 鼻後天性變形 738.0 738.0 八、EXTREMITIES 八、手、足、肢體 INFECTION 感染 Cellulitis and abscess, fingers and toes 手指及足趾之蜂窩組織及膿瘍 681.00 681.00 Felon 手指指頭疸 681.01 681.01 Onychia and paronychia of finger 手指甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.02 681.02 Onychia and paronychia of toe 足趾甲床炎與甲溝炎 681.11 681.11 Dermatophytosis of foot 足部之髮癬菌病 110.4 110.4 LESSIONS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 神經病灶 Brachial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 353.0 Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧徵候群 354.0 354.0 Lesion of median nerve 正中神經病灶 354.1 354.1 Lesion of ulnar nerve 尺骨神經病灶 354.2 354.2 Lesion of radial nerve 橈骨神經病灶 354.3 354.3 Tarsal tunnel syndrome 跗隧徵候群 355.5 355.5 BLOOD VESSELS 血管 Raynaud's syndrome 雷諾徵候群 443.0 443.0 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) 血栓閉塞性血管炎(柏格爾病 ) 443.1 443.1 Gangrene 壞疽 785.4 785.4 DEFORMITY 畸型 Wrist drop (acquired) 腕垂症(後天性) 736.05 736.05 Claw hand (acquired) 爪形手(後天性) 736.06 736.06 Club hand (acquired) 畸形手(後天性) 736.07 736.07 Mallet finger 鎚形手指 736.1 736.1 Boutonniere deformity 鈕口狀切開術變形 736.21 736.21 Swan-neck deformity 鵝頸指 736.22 736.22 Acquired deformities of finger 手指之其他後天性變形 736.29 736.29 OTHER DISEASES 其他疾病 Corns and callosities 雞眼及胼胝 700 700 Ingrowing nail 指(趾)甲內生 703.0 703.0 Diseases of nail 指(趾)甲病 703.8 703.8 Traumatic arthropathy, hand 創傷性關節病變,手 716.14 716.14 Traumatic arthropathy, ankle and foot 創傷性關節病變,踝及足 716.17 716.17 Transient arthropathy, hand 暫時性關節病變,手 716.44 716.44 Polyarthropathy or polyarthritis 多發性關節病變或多發性關節炎 Hand 手 716.54 716.54 Ankle and foot 踝及足 716.57 716.57 Synovitis and tenosynovitis 滑膜炎及肌腱滑膜炎 727.00 727.00 Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 腱鞘大細胞腫瘤 727.02 727.02 Trigger finger (acquired) 扳機指(後天的) 727.03 727.03 Tenosynovitis of hand and wrist 手及手腕之肌腱滑膜炎 727.05 727.05 Synovial cyst 滑膜囊腫 727.40 727.40 Ganglion 腱鞘囊腫 727.43 727.43 Late effect of fracture of upper extremities 上肢骨折之後遺症 905.2 905.2 Late effect of tendon injury 肌腱損傷之後遺症 905.8 905.8 九、LATE EFFECT 九、後遺症 Late effect 後遺症 905.2 905.2 Fracture of upper extremities 上肢骨折 Tendon injury 肌腱損傷 905.8 905.8 Radiation 放射治療 909.2 909.2 Complications of surgical and medical care 外科及內科治療併發症 909.3 909.3 Open wound of head,neck,and trunk 頭、頸及軀幹開放性傷口 906.0 906.0 Open wound of extremities 四肢開放性傷口 906.1 906.1 Superficial injury 表淺損傷 906.2 906.2 Burn of eye,face,head,and neck 眼、臉、頭及頸部燒傷 906.5 906.5 Burn of wrist and hand 腕及手燒傷 906.6 906.6 Burn of extremities 四肢燒傷 906.7 906.7 Burn of other specified sites 其他位置燒傷 906.8 906.8 Burn, except head, neck and extremities 燒傷,頭、頸、四肢除外 906.9 906.9 |
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