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2008/05/03 23:59:47瀏覽2728|回應0|推薦0
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Abnormal involuntary movements 異常不隨意運動 781.0 781.0
Abnormality of gait 步態不穩 781.2 781.2
Acute cerebrovascular disease 急性腦血管疾病 436 436
Acute infective polyneuritis 急性感染性多發神經炎 357.0 357.0
Alzheimer's disease 阿茲海默病 331.0 331.0
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎縮性側索硬化 335.20 335.20
Ankylosing spondylitis 關節粘連性脊椎炎 720.0 720.0
Anomalies of cerebrovascular system 腦血管系統之畸形 747.81 747.81
Anoxic brain damage 腦缺氧損傷 348.1 348.1
Arteriosclerotic dementia 動脈硬化性癡呆症 290.40 290.40
Bacterial meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 320.9
Basilar artery syndrome 基底動脈徵候群 435.0 435.0
Bell's palsy 貝爾麻痺(面神經麻痺) 351.0 351.0
Benign intracranial hypertension 良性顱內高壓症 348.2 348.2
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 良性陣發性位置性眩暈 386.11 386.11
Blepharospasm 瞼痙攣 333.81 333.81
Brain tumor 腦腫瘤 239.6 239.6
Branchial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 353.0
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 354.0
Cerebellar ataxia 小腦性運動失調 334.3 334.3
Cerebral artery occlussion 腦動脈阻塞 434.9 434.90
Cerebral degeneration 大腦變性 331.9 331.9
Cervical intervertebral disc disorder 頸部椎間盤疾患 722.91 722.91
Cervical spondylosis 頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.0 721.0
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy 伴有脊髓病變之頸部退化性脊椎炎 721.1 721.1
Convulsion 痙攣 780.3 780.39
Cryptococcal meningitis 囊球菌性腦膜炎 "117.5 +
321.0" "117.5 +
Dementia 癡呆 298.9 298.9
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病 250.00 250.00
Diabetic neuropathy 糖尿性多發神經疾病 "250.60 +
357.2" "250.60 +
Disorder of copper metabolism 銅代謝失調症 275.1 275.1
Dizziness and giddiness 眩暈 780.4 780.4
Encephalitis 腦炎 323.9 323.9
Encephalopathy 腦病 348.3 348.3
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 345.90
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓 401.9 401.9
Essential tremor 自發性震顫 333.1 333.1
Extrapyramidal diseases 錐體外路疾病 333.90 333.90
Facial nerve disorders 面神經疾患 351.8 351.8
Gout 痛風 274.9 274.9
Headache 頭痛 784.0 784.0
Herniation of intervertebral disc 椎間盤凸出 722.2 722.2
Huntington's chorea 亨庭頓舞蹈症 333.4 333.4
Hydrocephalus 水腦症 331.4 331.4
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症 272.4 272.4
Hypertensive encephalopathy 高血壓性腦病變 437.2 437.2
Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy 發炎性及毒性神經疾病 357.9 357.9
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 780.52
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 431
Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve 外側膕神經病灶 355.3 355.3
Lesion of radial nerve 撓骨神經病灶 354.3 354.3
Lesion of sciatiac nerve 坐骨神經病灶 355.0 355.0
Lesion of ulnar nerve 尺骨神經病灶 354.2 354.2
Low back pain 下背痛 724.2 724.2
Lumbar intervertebral disc disorder 腰部椎間盤疾患 722.93 722.93
Lumbosacral spondylosis 腰胝骨退化性脊椎炎 721.3 721.3
Meniere's disease 梅尼爾病 386.00 386.00
Meningitis 腦膜炎 322.9 322.9
Meralgia paresthetica 感覺異常性股痛 355.1 355.1
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.9 346.90
Mononeuritis multiplex 多發性單一神經炎 354.5 354.5
Motor neuron disease 運動神經元疾病 335.20 335.20
Multiple cranial nerve paralysis 多發性顱神經麻痺 352.6 352.6
Multiple sclerosis 多發性硬化症 340 340
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 729.1
Myasthenia gravis 重症肌無力 358.0 358.0
Myoclonus 肌陣攣 333.2 333.2
Neuralgic amyotrophy 神經痛性肌萎縮症 353.5 353.5
Neuropathy 神經病變 355.9 355.9
Neurotic disorder 精神官能症 300.9 300.9
Optic neuritis 視神經炎 377.30 377.30
Orofacial dyskinesia 口面部異動症 333.82 333.82
Paralysis 痳痺 344.9 344.9
Parkinson's disease 巴金森病 332.0 332.0
Polyneuropathy 多發性神經病變 356.9 356.9
Postconcussion syndrome 腦震盪後徵候群 310.2 310.2
Psychophysiological malfunction 心理生理功能障礙 306.9 306.9
Psychosis 精神病 298.9 298.9
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎 714.0 714.0
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 724.3
Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord 腦及脊髓之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.3 198.3
Secondary parkinsonism 續發性巴金森病態 332.1 332.1
Senile dementia 老年期癡呆症 290.0 290.0
Spasmodic torticollis 痙攣性斜頸 333.83 333.83
Spinocerebellar disease 脊髓小腦疾病 334.9 334.9
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 430
Subclavian steal syndrome 鎖骨下動脈徵候群 435.2 435.2
Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 432.1
Tension headache 緊張性頭痛 307.81 307.81
Tic disorder 抽搐 307.20 307.20
Transient cerebral ischemia 暫時性腦部缺氧 435.9 435.9
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 350.1
Tuberculosis meningitis 結核性腦膜炎 013.00 013.00
Vertebral artery syndrome 脊椎動脈徵候群 435.1 435.1
Vestibular neuronitis 前庭神經元炎 386.12 386.12
Viral meningitis 病毒性腦膜炎 047.9 047.9
( 知識學習健康 )
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