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英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版
Visual loss 視力喪失 369.9 369.9
Disorder of refraction and accommodation 屈光及調節異常 367.9 367.9
Senile cataract 老年性白內障 366.10 366.10
Cataract, complicated 併發性白內障 366.30 366.30
Traumatic cataract 外傷性白內障 366.20 366.20
Congenital cataract 先天性白內障 743.30 743.30
Lens subluxation 水晶體半脫位 379.32 379.32
Pseudophakia 人工水晶體置換 V43.1 V43.1
After cataract 後發性白內障 366.50 366.50
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎 372.30 372.30
Age-related macular degeneration 老年性黃斑部變性 362.50 362.50
Background diabetic retinopathy 背景型糖尿病性視網膜病變 "250.50+
362.01" "250.50+
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 增殖型糖尿病性視網膜病變 "250.50+
362.02" "250.50+
Conjunctivial hemorrhage 結膜出血 372.72 372.72
Acute conjunctivitis 急性結膜炎 372.00 372.00
Allergic conjunctivitis 慢性過敏性結膜炎 372.14 372.14
Chronic conjunctivitis 慢性結膜炎 372.10 372.10
Ptergium 翼狀贅肉 372.40 372.40
Recurrent ptergium 復發性翼狀贅肉 372.45 372.45
Conjunctival lithiasis 結膜結石 372.54 372.54
Conjunctival foreign body 結膜異物 930.1 930.1
Scleritis/Episcleritis 鞏膜炎,上鞏膜炎 379.00 379.00
Conjunctival cysts 結膜囊腫 372.75 372.75
Corneal edema 角膜水腫(非特異性) 371.20 371.20
Superficial injury of cornea 角膜之表淺損傷 918.1 918.1
Recurrent corneal erosions 復發性角膜靡爛 371.42 371.42
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis / Infection keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角結膜炎 077.1 077.1
Interstitial keratitis 間質性角膜炎 370.50 370.50
Punctate keratitis 點狀角膜炎 370.21 370.21
Filamentary keratitis 絲狀角膜炎 370.23 370.23
Corneal foreign body 角膜異物 930.0 930.0
Herpes simplex disciform keratitis 單純泡疹性角膜炎 054.43 054.43
Herpes zoster kertaoconjunctivitis 帶狀泡疹性角膜結膜炎 053.21 053.21
Corneal ulcer 角膜潰瘍 370.00 370.00
Exposure keratoconjunctivitis 曝露性角膜炎 370.34 370.34
Sicca syndrome/sjogren's syndrome 乾眼徵候群 710.2 710.2
Chalazion 霰粒腫 373.2 373.2
Hordeolum externum 外麥粒腫 373.11 373.11
Hordeolum internum 內麥粒腫 373.12 373.12
Trichiasis 倒睫毛伴有眼瞼內翻 374.05 374.05
Blepharitis 眼瞼緣炎 373.00 373.00
Senile entropion 老年性眼瞼內翻 374.01 374.01
Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid 接觸性及過敏性眼瞼皮膚炎 373.32 373.32
Ptosis 眼瞼下垂 374.30 374.30
Paralytic lagophthalmos 麻痺性兔眼 374.21 374.21
Senile ectropion 老年性眼瞼外翻 374.11 374.11
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma 慢性隅角閉鎖性青光眼 365.23 365.23
Acute angle-closure glaucoma 急性隅角閉鎖性青光眼 365.22 365.22
Ocular hypertention 高眼壓症 365.04 365.04
Promary open angle glaucoma 原發性隅角開放性青光眼 365.11 365.11
Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma 副腎皮質素誘發之青光眼 365.31 365.31
Inflammatory glaucoma 伴有眼部炎症之青光眼 365.62 365.62
Angle recession glaucoma traumatic glaucoma 伴有眼部外傷之青光眼 365.65 365.65
Phacolytic glaucoma 水晶體融解性青光眼 365.51 365.51
Glaucoma 青光眼 365.9 365.9
Blind hypertensive eye/Absolute glaucoma 絕對性青光眼 360.42 360.42
Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired 後天性鼻淚管狹窄 375.56 375.56
Acute dacryocystitis 急性淚囊炎 375.32 375.32
Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管主阻塞 375.55 375.55
Papilloedema 視神經乳頭水腫 377.00 377.00
Optic atrophy 視神經萎縮 377.10 377.10
Optic neuritis 視神經炎 377.30 377.30
Optic nerve injury 視神經損傷 950.0 950.0
Grave's ophthalmopathy 甲狀腺毒性眼球突出 242.00 242.00
Blow-out fracture of orbital wall 眶底閉鎖性骨折 802.6 802.6
Orbital cellulitis 眼窩蜂窩組織炎 376.01 376.01
Vitreous opacity/Floaters 玻璃體混濁 379.24 379.24
Vitreous degeneration / Posterior vitreous detachment 玻璃體變性 379.21 379.21
Retinal breaks/Defect 視網膜破洞 361.30 361.30
Retinal detachment with retinal defect 伴有視網膜破洞之視網膜剝離 361.00 361.00
Tractional retinal detachment 牽引性視網膜剝離 361.81 361.81
Branch retinal venous occlusion 視網膜靜脈分枝阻塞 362.36 362.36
Central retinal venous occlusion 中心視網膜靜脈阻塞 362.35 362.35
Central retinal artery occlusion 中心視網膜動脈阻塞 362.31 362.31
Hypertensive retinopathy 高血壓性視網膜病變 362.11 362.11
Cystoid macular degeneration 視網膜水腫 362.53 362.53
Macular hole/Pseudohole 黃斑部破洞或假性破洞 362.54 362.54
Macular pucker / Epiretinal membrane / Cellophance 黃斑皺褶 362.56 362.56
Central serous retinopathy 中心漿液性視網膜病變 362.41 362.41
Vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃體出血 379.23 379.23
Retinal hemorrhage 視網膜出血 362.81 362.81
Acute / subacute iridocyclitis 急性及亞急性虹膜睫狀體炎 364.00 364.00
Pars planitis/posterior cyclitis 睫狀體扁平部炎 363.21 363.21
Panuveitis 全葡萄膜炎 360.12 360.12
Purulent endophthalmitis 化膿性眼內炎 360.00 360.00
Exotropia 外斜視 378.10 378.10
Esotropia 內斜視 378.00 378.00
Strabismus 斜視 378.9 378.9
Vertical heterophoria 垂直性隱斜視 378.43 378.43
Hypertropia 上斜視 378.31 378.31
Hypotropia 下斜視 378.32 378.32
Diplopia 複視 368.2 368.2
CN6/Abducens palsy 第六或外展神經麻痺 378.54 378.54
Paralytic strabismus 麻痺性斜視 378.50 378.50
Duane's syndrome 狄恩尼氏症候群 378.71 378.71
Contusion of eyeball/Traumatic hyphema/Lens dislocation 眼球挫傷 921.3 921.3
Burning of eye and adnexa 眼及附屬器官之燒傷 940.9 940.9
Laceration of skin of eyelid and periocular area 眼瞼及眼周圍皮膚裂傷 870.0 870.0
Ocular laceration 眼球裂傷 871.0 871.0
Benign tumor of eyelid / Canthus 眼臉(包括眼角)皮膚良性腫瘤 216.1 216.1
( 知識學習健康 )
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