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2007/12/31 21:26:10瀏覽710|回應0|推薦2 | |
不要太在意人事,有人就有事,這是天經地義的事。 Don’t take the personnel problems too seriously. Where there are human beings, there are personal problems. It is unavoidable. 要記住,放下這些形象的事,在意自己的修道路要怎麼走下去才是真正重要的事。 So remember to let go of these personal materialistic matters. Your focus should be on how you can continue with your cultivation. 謠言止於智者,聽到流言應該用你的一言一行來戳破它, Gossips and rumors will only be stopped by the wise, so when you hear them, break them away from your speech and behavior. 當被別人批評的時候,不要太難過,因為有了別人的批評,你才能夠重新看自己, Don’t feel frustrated when people pick on you; criticisms gain you a different perspective to introspect yourself. 好好把握當下每一時刻,不要忘記老師的交代。 Seize each moment and don’t forget your Holy Teacher’s words to you. 天時緊急,記得腳步要加快, Time is limited, so you must accelerate your steps. 不要花太多時間在人事上面,應該用時間讓自己改毛病去脾氣。 Don’t waste your time on the personal materialistic problems, but you should spare more time to break your bad habits and refine your temper. 活佛師尊慈悲囑語The Holy Teachings of Ji Gong Living Buddha 台南濟德宮January 4, 2003
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