Hear clarinetist David Drosinos and the St. Petersburg Symphony under Vladimir Lande play the opening movement from my Clarinet Concerto just by clicking here:
http://www.sowash.com/recordings/mp3/clar_cto_1st_movt.mp3 The clarinet-piano reduction of the score is easier to follow than the full orchestral score. To see a PDF of that version, click here:
http://www.sowash.com/recordings/mp3/clar_cto_1st_movt.pdf I think this is one of my best pieces. I’d love to know what you think of it; feel free to reply if you're inclined. But please don't feel that you are expected to reply. I'm just glad to share my work in this way.
As always, feel free to forward this message to friends who might enjoy it.
Anyone can be on my little list of recipients for these mpFrees (as I call these musical emails). To sign up, people can email me at
rick@sowash.com, sending just one word: "Yes." I'll know what it means. To unsubscribe, reply “unsubscribe.”
Rick Sowash
Cincinnati, OH
Dec. 6, 2015 www.sowash.com