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It takes all kind of bloggers to make the world.
2007/03/14 01:41:58瀏覽355|回應0|推薦3

It takes all kind of bloggers to make the world.
Since the blogging is still in its infancy there is no definite rule
to govern the blogging. The UDN rules govern the bloggers in
its own territory while its own standard might not apply to that
of CT and other places of the world.

As for the each individual blogger, they tend to have their own
rules of their conscience. Each individual is different. I would
not criticize any one who has conducting blogging with his or her
free time, being it good or bad, and its out of blogger' willingness.

Due to lack of existing law, so far to my understanding, this
blogger has expressed and touched most of key points of blogging
aspects for the future bloggers to follow. However, it is not generally
accepted by all bloggers the world over. It involves the race sex age
and political system of the country. In the United of States, the
Constitution provides the protection of Freedom of Speech and allows
all kind of blogging expression. However,when the blogging touches
other aspects like sex offending copy right and others the law still
applies.The same rules is not universal. The States rules do not
necessarily apply to other countries.I think, in my fair judgement,
should not and must not apply to other countries.

 I have blogged for over a year now. I made it my rules of blogging
as followings:
1. When I come across a good blogging article I copy and paste in
    my blog by definitely revealing its source of origin and blogger's ID.
    Some time I did borrow editorial's few expression in Chinese due
    to the impotence of applying Chinese Encoding.

2. I make some comments of my true feeling and some time when it
    touched my nerve and I feel that I really like the blogging article.

3. I do click on "recommendation" key either I like the article or in
    return of other's favor as a Chinese courtesy.

4. I myself am not a good writer and I do not seek blogging to make
    a profit or a living. Therefore, I do not expect others and judge them
    with higher standard.

5. Since I am practising English and I do not mind of expressing myself
    in poor English. I would accept other's correction in good will.
    However, when it comes to teasing and malicious attacking, I am
    not going to tolerate it. I would fight back. I could be the worst
    bad mouthing in choosing the words.

6. Any public figure is subject to public scrutiny. As a result, I some time
    criticize them for my own judgement out of good intention.

In conclusion, blog covers many  areas and it is still expanding.
I may come back here to add few more comments as my
observation is expanding.

( 時事評論政治 )
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