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2008/08/27 09:23:06瀏覽967|回應0|推薦3

My experience tells me that is possible.
"1st Encounter with FETL PR work"

The old saying "Like father like son".
The way 徐旭東 is conducting business has been very similar
like his old man Y.S Hsu.
I have no intention to accuse 徐旭東 for possible wrong doing.
In my article with regard to 1st people persecuted by then
Chen's administration, 徐旭東 was in fact in deep trouble
water about his bribing scandal.
In order to save his neck, you can not rule out the possibility of 
徐旭東's remitting 10 million to Chen's secret A/C
in Tokyo. That way could save him from drowning in the trouble water,
Beside,  with his present assets, he could well afford this money.
Any one could tell me what his present value is? 10 billion?
He could have been persecuted for a jail term of 2~7 years, then
why not spend the money in need? Besides, all the crows in world
are black.

As for the news 徐旭東今日下午開記者會澄清,他說,
Douglas, if I were you, I would not haste to 按鈴控告壹周刊4位記者
、邱毅、李勝峰. We all know how the old Taiwan industry has
conducted business. As long as the talk-show spread the rummer
it hurts the reputation. Yet it does present partial fact of truth to
the public. As for 塞錢、送錢, that are the practice of conducting
business, you know as well as I do that has been existing in the
world. Some one choose to blow the whistle while other keep the
mouth shut. That is all.

dated 9/3/08

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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