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徐旭東!1st Entrepreneur Persecuted by DPP!
2006/10/03 00:06:37瀏覽1208|回應0|推薦5

Dear Dauglas Hsu,(徐旭東)

Have not contacted you for over 30 years.I wish this letter will reach you in good health
but I know at this moment you would not be in good spirit.

"徐旭東遭起訴" news really shocked me. I don't know what to say at this moment how to comfort you.........

A couple of months ago, in my blog I published an article
你們檢調俸祿皆來自民脂民膏,豈可辜負人民的付託? At that time, I thought since I have been living in the States and can do what ever I like to say in my blog and Taiwan's 檢調 could do nothing to suppress me. Yet, the DPP extended their dirty hand by means of applying all the resource of government machine and tried to silence my voice against corrupted government. I am well prepared to fight against the DPP behind scenes. My grandma always told me" You must never have a mind to hurt others; but prevent your self from being hurt." Since I always use my real
name in the blog world and even reveal it in public website, that was why I did not expect DPP  collected all my private information thru the Foreign Ministry of ROC to invade my privacy of personal passport.  As soon as they found that I am an US citizen their attempt gave in with reality due to the iron grip of Uncle Sam.  The mean evil of DPP did not give up & from time to time, they were still trying to
「恐嚇! me with faulty ID in CT blog by means of their hired Gun. They failed in finding out that our US government has tough privacy law to protect law abiding citizen. Particularlay true is that I was once chief witness against a Taiwan organized crime  in Las Vegas Federal criminal investigation and eventually sent Billy Tseng into Ferderal prisen.

I am sorry this time that You, famed "徐旭東 is being prosecuted under the name of
Bribing. and possibly, if convicted, you may have to stay in jail for 2 and half years.

It is incomceivable that a corruption case will not indict the bribe receiver, namely
Taiwan 1st Lady( I doubt if she is entitled the salutation). In fact, the Taiwan 檢調 is
trying to indict you as scapegoat.  Where is the justice? 檢調 in Taiwan really abuses
its power and disappoint me.  All I want to say is that you fall into the hand of DPP's
corruption and you paid so much taxes every year and they uses your tax paid money
to prosecute you. After all you should realize that you are dealing with the head of State, who happened to be the master to manipulate the law.

  • Those 檢調 really let you down. I think if your father,Y.S Hsu were still alive he would give up all the hope with DPP administration, and invest all money to China. Dauglas, you did live up to your father's expectation. Fight all the way with your lawyer and do not give up to those corrupted檢調.
    Sincerly Yours,
    Michael Han

P.S. I am drawfting a letter on behalf of your
       wife, who is an American citizen, to the Senate
        and House of Representives in U.S.
        I am requesting government agencies concerned
        to intervene in this Taiwan government scandal.
        When the judicial system was manipulated, U.S.
        has right to express the concern of International
        Human right and protect the interests of U.S.
        citizen from further persecution.

( 時事評論政治 )
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