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賓士 services on SUV ML320 OK 啦, commendable
2007/10/04 06:09:17瀏覽1007|回應1|推薦5

Compliment on  Mercedes Good services
賓士SUV ML320 OK 啦!

On 24th of Sept 2007 Mercedes delivered the car to me.
1. Mercedes said that they will foot the bill of Motel.
2. The towing expenses will be taken care of.
3. Mercedes provided a new Mercedes 2007 sedan as a rental car
    for my transportation.
4. I was billed $290.00 for the parts only. It took them 32 days
    to fix the problem and I had my car back. If the same trouble
    happens again, I would have no choice but file a law-suit
    Against Mercedes for selling me a Lemon and unsafe car.

Today, the 3rD of October 2007 I received a phone call from
Mercedes Benz dealer in Fresno. I was informed that a special
part was already installed in my ML320 to correct the defective part.
That is a good news, in deed.

After almost 20 years with Mercedes,  I almost lost confidence
in trusting the reliabilities of Mercedes Benz. Like I mentioned
in my previous blog article about the story of my personal
ordeal http://blog.udn.com/mikkyhan/1185662I
     "爛賓士SUV 320ML Lemon Car 啦"
think that this action taken proves that Mercedes takes extremely
care about customer's worry of their safety concern.
It is a move to restore the old customers trust and maintain
good images of Mercedes prolonged good quality in its history.
Definitely its a move to the right direction for which I am pleased
to tell the people I know about this commendable measure taken
in this regards.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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Glad it was fixed
2007/10/09 14:56
I don't think Mercedes can afford any more mistakes as such. The competition in the car marekt is very harsh, even in Germany. Remember Mercedes dropped its cooperation with Chrylser last year, and its share price went up - if I remember it right. Maybe Mercedes outsourced too much or got too many cheaper parts from other countries.

Anyway, at least they have delivered a good service this time and an old customer is happy again.

BTW, the Japanese cars are reviewed in Germany as very reliable, esp. Toyota.
革命烈士韓起的兒子(mikkyhan) 於 2007-11-07 01:21 回覆:
I was told that one of factors made Mercedes Benz down grade is that
after unification lots eastern German workers pulled in Mercedes factory.
The communist ruling mentality has low-down the quality greatly.
Absorb the Chrysler was the 2nd mistakes. Even German tourists
 admits Mercedes quality is inferior to Japanese car makers.