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Why 所引起的矛盾
2006/08/02 10:04:26瀏覽206|回應0|推薦7
Why Study ?
The more I study
The more I know
The more I know
The more I forget
The more I forget
The less I know
So why study ?
~~ 牛津人的明信片
Why Love?
The more I love
The more I hurt
The more I hurt
The more I hate
The more I hate
The less I love
So why love ?
~~ Paris's postcard (朋友寄存)
Why Work?
The more I work.
The more I earn.
The more I earn.
The more I want.
The more I want
The less I satisfy
So why work more?
~~ 羅柏(我的同事兼死黨)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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