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2009/07/08 17:02:49瀏覽643|回應3|推薦7

不知覺 暑假已經過去兩周半了

對教書而言 一整年的回顧往往不在年終新年 反而是在暑假

兼任學校的學術及產學的主管職務   到華視及高雄應用科技大學及台灣藝術大學演講  到世新大學研討會擔任論文評論  執行國科會計畫   學系評鑑通過   教育部IPTV教材編纂計畫  中華電信MOD的產學合作計畫  綜整學校教學卓越計畫的計畫書  校內服飾博物館數位典藏計畫  執行教育部救失業的方案  專題學生獲經濟部競賽獎項及校內專題競賽第一名  ................

新學年度緊接著是  IPTV就業學程  經濟部商業司的計畫  中華電信MOD產學合作  校內專題研究計畫  希望國科會計畫能順利通過 ..................


您並不需要對生涯做規劃  事情就這麼一件一件的排在那裡  等著您去完成

暑假到了  校園裡兩棟大樓完工了   內湖捷運也通車到校門口了

可是我還沒有機會回嘉義呢  越忙 這思念就越深.................. 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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鳳飛飛好歌MV - 《相思爬上心底》
2009/07/09 08:35

Missing you
2009/07/09 08:34

"Missing " is a cool word. Missing(相思) always takes place when you miss(錯過) someone (or something) you assumed as your Miss Right (白雪公主)previously.

Haha, missing has its unique temperature, depth and width as well as  painful but joyful memories. When you miss someone or something, you don't have to remember him/her or it painstakingly, however,it is truly hard to forget since that special someone and that unique something are so unforgettable.

But can we measure the depth or the width of " Missing"?

But can we measure the temperature of " Missing"?

The feeling of missing is as dense and thick as the forest.

The feeling of missing is as thin as a thread.

The feeling of missing is as soft and tender as the clouds.

The feeling of missing is as sweet as the honey.

The feeling of missing is as bitter of the medicine.

The feeling of missing is as spicy as the hot pepper.

The feeling of missing is as sour as the plum.

The feeling of missing is as warm as spring, as hot as summer, as cool as fall, and as cold as winter.

The feeling of missing is like the roots of trees entwine under the ground.

The feeling of missing is as natural and easy as the air while breathing in and out.

Haha, I have fun exercising my shabaiability (瞎掰能力).

Haha, missing is a fantastic and complicated ability.

Haha, I am missing you.

Don't just miss or you will miss all the time
2009/07/09 08:31
Don't just miss (想念,惦記) Chiayi or you will miss(錯過) it all the time.