Only if American can open their heart ? |
2010/09/05 03:33 |
There are 6 beltways in Beijing, China. The average cost of housing within the 4th belt way is $480 USD per square foot. That is 5 times
the average cost of housing in Metro Houston, Texas. The average cost of housing within the 6th belt way is $205 USD per square foot. That is 2 times the average cost of housing in Metro Houston, Texas.
The high cost of housing, together with the traffic jam, the dusty and polluted air, the lack of political freedom, the folks there should be willing to come to the America if Uncle Sam woos them.
Imaging if half million relocate to the America each month ? the demand of housing, appliance, auto, furniture,..... ? The recession will ends in a few months ?
Uncle Sam can start with the auction of green card @ 100,000 USD per head ?
當年,茅煮蓆 說: 褲子可以不穿,也要搞原子彈! |
2010/09/01 16:21 |
今日就怕 美國民意,褲子可以不穿,也不讓 外人進來 ! (過河拆橋 !)
美鈔貶到 $1 可買 Hawaii + Alaska ?
向錢看齊 |
2010/09/01 10:24 |
真是聰明絕頂 這樣的餿主意也想得出來 反正美國是個偷渡王國 肥水不流外人田 Why not?
此一時彼一時也! |
2010/08/30 22:32 |
1997港人大量外移,出於對於共產黨的恐懼! 如今男主人紛紛回大陸發展,勝過困在美加當寓公。 吸引新移民,最主要是為了下一代受教育的考量!
對大款而言,錢滾錢的機會還是在大陸,房價高漲才能快速致富, 何況一流銷金享受也只在中港台,名牌旗艦店不用出國應有盡有! 出國旅遊可以,作移民夢的多是底層升斗小民, 一心想出國打工賺美金,奮鬥幾年好衣錦還鄉,讓家人過上好日子! 這是近年來 Reed 在大陸遊走的親身體驗。
敬請人道支援 我卓越不群的母親八旬阿嬤【台灣司法◎人間煉獄】部落格 |
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2010-08-31 00:43 回覆: |
看來,小皇帝 及 伴讀母后 才是 金主 ?
The best quick fix to the poor US economy: |
2010/08/29 06:01 |
The cost of housing in the Far East is going thru the roof at this very moment.
The solution is simply courting these folks who are tired of sky rocketing high cost of housing there, together with
traffic jam, air pollution, lack of freedom in Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Taipei, Tokyo,.....
If millions relocate here, the demand of housing, auto, appliance, furniture, ..... will end the recession.
In 1997, when Communist China took over Hongkong from British rule, mass relocation from HongKong to Vancouver, B.C. Canada actually made Vancouver a booming town today !
Have you visited Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Taipei, Vancouver, Richmond, B.C. Canada lately ?