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Anita 所述: https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1anita_m_nde.html 未來有劇本 (命運?) , 如 map of a city, 但怎麼走,一切,完全, 由已 。 (例如: Medical test 有兩完全相反版本。 ) (Note 1) 這個 NDE 內,有許多天機。 請細讀,多多摸象。 小老朽摸到的 天機: 1. 未來似有劇本,例如, 1a. Medical Test 只有兩种版本,但用那一版本,一切唯心。" I was able to change the outcome of the tests by my choice! " (please refer to the answer to question 4, in the NDE) 1.b "It is not my time (to die),....." 2. 臨死前,癌細胞漫延全身,各器官功能衰竭,Anita 絕望,曾 "放下","捨得" 一切。所謂置之死地而後生。禪宗所謂 "大死一次"。實乃靈魂出竅。 3. 開悟了。 4. 極樂。(Being Deeply LOVEd) 5. 下界一刻,上界一年。https://blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/253082 6. 我們的四周,有許多鬼神在看,君子慎其獨也。 7. 凡事皆有 Why,(Why her cancer,.....) 有因,當然有果。 8. 不論為善,為惡,戲夢人生,死後 item 4 above 不受影晌。 (Unconditional LOVE, I felt very loved, like no matter what I did, I would still be loved. I did not have to do anything to deserve it or prove myself.) 9. 戲夢人生,這個世界,一切不可靠,(Cancer 說來就來, 說走就走),"如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,...." 金剛經。 10. 人生的目的是..... 10a. "Heaven on Earth", 愚公移山,改善生活。 10b. 教學相長,傳福音(非限於某教派)。 11. 人有前世,(Previous life she was elder than her brother,.....) 12. 我們到這個世界來,乃出於自願,(My husband and I decided to come to this world together,.....) 可能看過,並且同意過劇本。 13. 人生八苦 ? "we did not come here to suffer. Life is supposed to be great, and we are very, very loved. " 14. 佛曰:" 不可說" "The experience was much more than words can express. " 15. 人之將死,可見陰陽兩界。I was aware of both "sides". 另有神足通。陰陽兩界部份重疊,陰間乃高度空間。at the same time experience the other dimension, as if it existed simultaneously. 16. to live in the moment, enjoy every moment of life 活在當下。 17. 一切唯心,相 (命運) 隨心轉。(Note 1) 18. 帶回些許神通。 (She feels GUIDED, CONNECTED) 19. ? 另一篇 NDE 說的 則完全相反。 https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1brian_l_nde.html 9 year old, chose to live, was told the future in detail, 命中有的 , 躲不過 . 老朽解讀: 都對。 (item 23 → http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/267010 )法無定法。命宮居 辰/戍 者,天羅/地網,命宮居 ? 者,海闊天空。 海淵憑魚躍,天空任烏飛。 Note 1: 老朽仔細研究了 Anita 所述。當她靈魂出竅時,她可挑選 命運之劇本。但是一旦她回魂了,又完全受新劇本控制。 可是她老公之命運,確實可被她的選擇改變。(長命,短命),難道說,命中註定她會選擇回魂 ? 命運有如劇本,戲夢人生,戲已開拍,未拍的部分,當然可改,但牽扯太多,極不易改。 多數人 依照常理 出牌,趨吉避凶,若依照常理,因此被命運算定。 https://blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/288104懇請不吝賜教? |
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