50萬購屋綠卡 大陸人急著辦 !!! |
2011/10/27 03:38 |
世界日報, 記者楊青/洛杉磯報導 October 25, 2011 06:01 AM
赴美簽證 |
2011/10/22 18:28 |
國務院亞太副助卿莫伊(Kin Moy)21日在紐約表示,國務院正準備向中國加派50名能講中文的簽證官,希望以此加快簽證速度。
白智理說,現任美國駐中國大使 駱家輝 致力改善在中國的簽證申請程序,將增加人力,促進設施現代化,設法把預約所需的時間減到最少。
美簽擬放寬限制 吸引中、加國人在美國買房置產,而且在美國繳稅。 |
2011/10/21 21:28 |
2007-2008年全球經濟崩潰以來,美國房市至今一蹶不振,這項法案說,外國人凡是能在美國投資住房50萬美元 (台幣1500萬元),美國政府就給他們為期三年的居留簽證。美國商會大力支撐這項法案。商會主席唐納修表示,旅遊和觀光為美國貢獻七千多億美元歲入,在美國養活750萬個工作。
【聯合晚報╱編譯彭淮棟/法新社華盛頓二十日電】 2011.10.21 02:59pm
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2011-10-27 10:56 回覆: |
October 20, 2011
Bipartisan Proposal Would Offer Residence Visas to Foreign Homebuyers Who Invest At Least $500K in US Housing and Live Here At Least 180 Days While Paying Taxes
Proposal Is Part of Foreign Travel Bill That Reforms Visa Policies To Lure Chinese, Canadian Tourists To Boost U.S. Economy
Schumer-Lee Proposal Endorsed By U.S. Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Travel Association, and American Hotel & Lodging Association
WASHINGTON, DC—With an excess of supply stalling a recovery in the U.S. housing market, U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Mike Lee (R-UT) announced today that they will offer a bipartisan proposal to boost demand for homes by luring foreign investors to purchase residences and live in the U.S. The concept is part of a broad immigration package aimed at boosting foreign travel and investment in the United States.
The Visa Improvements to Stimulate International Tourism to the United States of America Act (VISIT-USA Act) would remove bureaucratic red tape that stifles travel and investment in the U.S. For instance, the bill would reduce barriers for Canadian and Chinese visitors whose consumer spending provides a lift to the U.S. economy. The bill would also expedite priority visa applicants, introduce videoconferencing as a means to screening foreign nationals, and make major changes to visa procedures for U.S. allies in the fight against al Qaeda.
To confront the housing crisis, the legislation would provide, for the first time, a three-year residential visa for foreign nationals who invest at least $500,000 in residential real estate in the United States. At least $250,000 must be spent on a primary residence where the visa holder will reside for at least 180 days out of the year while paying taxes to the U.S. Applicants would still be subject to standard criminal and national security background checks and, once approved, would not be able to receive government benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. The program would not serve as a path to citizenship for foreign nationals. Real estate analysts have said this proposal could lift demand for U.S. homes and help ease the housing crisis. Famed investor Warren Buffett has also supported the concept of enticing foreign homebuyers previously.
Schumer said: “This concept has the potential to lift demand for the nation’s excess homes. Our housing market will never begin a true recovery as long as our housing stock so greatly exceeds demand. This is not a cure-all, but it could be part of the solution to the housing crisis and won’t cost the government a nickel.”
Lee said: “This bill supports a free market method for increasing demand for housing at a time when so many working-class Americans are underwater on their homes, are desperate for prices to rise again, and big-government programs have failed to work. I am sponsoring this bill because I know that it makes economic sense while protecting American citizens.”
The Schumer-Lee bill has been endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Travel Association, the American Hotel & Lodging Association and the U.S. Olympic Committee.
A breakdown of the main provisions in the VISIT-USA Act, beyond the homebuyer visa provision, appears below:
Encourage Chinese Nationals to Travel to the U.S: Currently, Chinese nationals must apply for a new U.S. visa every year while travelers from other countries can receive up to 10-year multiple entry visas. The bill would allow Chinese tourists access to 5-year multiple-entry visitor visas, in order to eliminate this significant disincentive to travel to the United States. To ensure maximum security, stop terrorism, and address fraud concerns, Chinese tourists with 5-year visas will also be required to use the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). A recent report showed that the average Chinese visitor to the U.S. spends $6,000.
Expedite Priority Visitors: Currently, many people of means do not travel to the United States because of the waiting times for visas. The VISIT-USA Act will allow the State Department to charge an extra fee to expedite the processing of a U.S. passport just like the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service charges an extra fee to expedite the processing of a nonimmigrant visa.
Introduce Technology Into the U.S. Visa System: Applicants for a U.S. visa are often forced to make significant investments of time and money. The VISIT-USA Act authorizes the Secretary of State to conduct a videoconference pilot program as a method for conducting visa interviews of foreign national applicants. This would ensure that U.S. visitors spend their money inside the U.S. on our goods and not on going through red tape.
Encourage Canadian Tourism to the United States: Under current law, without a visa, Canadian citizens are not permitted to remain in the United States for longer than 180 days. Many Canadians would remain in the United States for a longer period of time during periods where the weather is still cold if they had a legal ability to do so. In addition, Canadians who currently return to Canada after 180 days are unable to take day-trips across the border to northern-border-states in America. The VISIT-USA Act creates a new “Canadian retiree visa” (non-immigrant visa) that allows Canadians who are: (1) over age 50 (with derivative benefits to a spouse and minor children); (2) who can show that they own a residence in the United States or have purchased rental or hotel accommodations in the United States for the duration of their stay; and (3) are not otherwise inadmissible – to have a visa that lasts 240 days, and is renewable every 3 years
Encourage U.S. Travel During Low Peak Season: One of the greatest contributing factors to high visa demand is the summer travel season. Given that visa interview wait times typically lengthen during the summer months, this bill permits the State Department to lower visa application fees during off-peak seasons to give travelers the incentive to apply for visas when demand is lower.
Expedite Visa for Countries Aiding the U.S. in Fight Against Al Qaeda: The Visa Waiver program gives citizens of selected countries the ability to travel to the US under the ESTA program, rather than go through the more lengthy and complicated US Tourist Visa application process, but it’s not available to all U.S. allies. The VISIT-USA Act amends the Immigration and Nationality Act regarding the visa waiver program to: (1) authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), in consultation with the Secretary of State, to designate program countries; (2) adjust the criteria for visa refusal rates to permit entry into the program if a country has a low visa overstay rate; (3) set a maximum 3% visa overstay rate for program countries; and (4) revise probationary status and program termination provisions
Expediting Entry for Priority Visitors: The global entry program is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. At the moment, U.S. Customs and Border Protection lacks the ability to add specific foreign nationals to the global-entry prescreening system if they are not nationals of one of the “participating countries” that the United States has a reciprocal agreement with. This creates problems for certain high-priority visitors with decision-making capacity to bring important international events—such as the Olympics, the World Cup, conventions, etc.—to the United States. This section would permit Customs and Border Protection to add important foreign dignitaries to the global entry program on a “case-by-case” basis if they are employed by an organization that maintains a strong working relationship with the United States and do not pose security risks.
The VISIT-USA Act represents the most significant reform of the U.S. immigration system in a generation, all the while adding a significant boost to our economy through increased foreign investment and tourism. Although a budget analysis of the proposal is not yet available, the senators said it was highly likely the package would significantly reduce the deficit through the increased tax revenues collected from new visa holders living in the U.S.
Uncle Sam 賣 PR, $100,000 a piece ! |
2010/10/21 01:24 |
北京,上海,廣州,香港,台北,房價過高,擁擠,塞車,前三者 更空氣汚染,缺水,資訊不自由,政治不民主,特權橫行!
若老美開放 免簽証,或賣綠卡,則對大家都利多 !!!
老美國內 需求 (housing, auto, appliance, furniture, .....) 增加,經濟活絡。
老共外滙可消化,減低 房價,人口壓力。
The US stock market will keep on dropping |
2010/08/27 02:13 |
The US stock market will keep on dropping until it is ridiculous cheap, thus
with a few dollars one can buy the entire Wall Street ! Then it will
shot back up like a dead cat bounce ?
I have the answer to the economy, but no one in power (President, Congress, CNBC, .....) would listen.
cost of housing in the Far East is going thru the roof. My solution is
simply courting these folks who are tired of sky rocketing high cost of
housing there, together with jam in traffic, air pollution, lack of
freedom in Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong, Taipei, Tokyo,.....
When millions relocate here, the demand of housing, auto, appliance, furniture, ..... will end the recession.
1997, when Communist China taken over Hongkong from British rule, mass
relocation from HongKong to Vancouver, BC Canada actually made Vancouver
a booming town today !
Have you visited Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong lately ?
中國10大外逃富豪 |
2010/07/08 20:50 |
香港文匯報報導,新華網舉出的10位因走私貪污而外逃的超級富豪,包括:廈門遠華重大走私案主犯賴昌星(涉案金額人民幣250億元)、華晨中國汽車董事長兼總裁仰融(70億)、中國銀行開平支行行長余振東(40 億)、上海康泰國際原董事長錢宏(5億元)、廣東中山市實業發展公司負責人陳滿雄(4.2億)。
【2010/07/08 中央社】http://udn.com/NEWS/MAINLAND/MAI2/5712314.shtml
投資移民美國 中國熱門話題 |
2010/07/04 23:09 |
【世界日報╱記者韓傑專題報導】 2010.07.03 07:45 pm
區域中心(regional center)是移民局批准的代理投資移民的機構,同時幫助投資者提出移民申請,全美有區域中心99個,比2009年多出近30個。其中,加州的區域中心最多,有26個。佛羅里達州其次,有11個。華盛頓州第三,有七個。紐約州雖然商業繁榮,但是目前僅有3個區域中心,一個在紐約市,另外兩個位於紐約上州水牛城。
伊利諾州CMB區域中心分別投資加州和俄亥俄州公共設施。該區域中心高級副總裁斯威根(Kraig A. Schwigen)表示,他的區域中心數據顯示,中國投資者比率從2008年財政年度的24%增加到2009年的69%。「2008年中國投資者僅19 人,而2009年是55人,是前一年度的2.8倍」。他表示,2009年度(到2010年9月30日為止)批准的申請有67個,是上一年度的1.71倍。
內華達經濟發展區域中心(NREDC)總裁馬拉斯(Jeff Mallas)說,他「收到的資料」顯示,2009財政年度已經批准3611人的投資移民申請(I-526),其中來自中國大陸的申請者有1979個,占全部申請者的54.8%。他估計,今年中國大陸申請人將增加25%。
加州的美國重點開發區域中心(American Redevelopment Solutions )負責人程治恩說,近兩年美國移民局對投資移民的態度有了重大改變,並積極推廣和協助投資者。「批准的申請屢創新高,而審核的時間越來越快。」他說,移民局設立專門的中心,並派專人處理投資移民申請。
擔心仇富、均貧 大陸富人爆移民潮 |
2010/05/23 18:16 |