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紐奧良 的 黑幫
2015/12/06 10:56:00瀏覽895|回應1|推薦21
月初 到 紐奧良  (New Orleans, Louisiana) 參展 ~ 國際工作船展 (2015 International Workboat Show


地點 在 市中心 密西西比河邊。 停車可貴了﹐第一天 美金 $20﹐ 第二天 $20 變成 $30﹐用塊塑膠布 印上新價 蓋上。 好听的說 ~ 『周瑜打黃蓋』  http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/34905397


最 離譜的事 是 ~ 停車位 似乎原本是 馬路。


猜想 黑幫 在 馬路地上 畫格子﹐漆上 號碼﹐ 就收錢啦 ? !

從 中美洲 進口 香焦﹐船運 紐奧良 應比 休士頓 略近。 然而 紐奧良 超市﹐香焦 零售價 59 美分 一磅﹐休士頓 則 只要 49 美分。 足足 貴了 約 20%

原因 听說是 貨物 上下 貨船﹐均需通過 特殊 利益團體。 它們說了算﹐不允許討價還價。 

“不能抗拒的優惠價”『I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse』- God Father

船隻 上下 密西西比﹐都儘可能 不在 紐奧良 靠岸停留。

『黑道 自古 皆有』~ 天龍國 美麗島 (呆丸) 黑金 始主 教父 "妳等會" 名言。   上網 一查﹐紐奧良 的黑幫 果真 歷史悠久﹐    http://mafia.wikia.com/wiki/New_Orleans_crime_family     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_crime_family

展會上 遇到的 美女們﹐大方的 .....

美國 不美 的事 似乎 又多了一件 ? ! http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/276088


The Godfather Theme - Speak Softly Love  by ANDY WILLIAMS
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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
路州 白道 一樣 黑 (無髮無天) ? !
2015/12/13 00:03
紐奧良 所在 的 路易斯安娜 州﹐黑白兩道 都是 『和尚打傘 ~ 無髮無天』   Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:52pm EST

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2015-12-13 00:30 回覆:
A Louisiana grand jury indicted two deputy marshals on charges of second-degree murder on Thursday after a 6-year-old boy was killed last month during a volley of gunfire as the officers chased his father's car.

The officers, Derrick Stafford, 32, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., 23, also face charges of second-degree attempted murder in the wounding of the boy's father under the indictment returned by a grand jury in central Louisiana's Avoyelles Parish.

"I want Stafford and Greenhouse Jr. to get what they deserve. I want justice," said Cathy Mardis, Jeremy's 46-year-old grandmother, who described the weeks since the shooting as "pure hell."

The two deputy marshals fired at least 18 times at the car during the Nov. 3 incident, wounding 25-year-old Chris Few and killing his son, Jeremy Mardis, who was buckled into the front passenger seat, state police have said.

While local authorities initially said the deputy marshals were trying to arrest Few on a warrant when he fled by car, state police later said there was no record of a warrant. State police found no evidence that Few was armed.

Footage of the shooting was captured on a body camera by a third officer at the scene, according to state authorities.

The video has not been publicly released but was described by the superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, Colonel Mike Edmonson, as "the most disturbing thing I've seen."

Edmonson has said state police were trying to figure out why the officers chased Few's car and what caused them to shoot.
