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人比人, 氣 (樂?) 死人 ? ! (國,共,美帝 PK ?)
2014/06/12 01:39:13瀏覽589|回應1|推薦8

楔子: 蔣 比 毛 好 ?    ~   Please click link。 

听說: 狡兔死, 走狗烹 ?  看作那國 走狗啦 ? ! 

人比人, 氣死人 ? !  


China's Vietnam veterans fighting new battle   http://news.yahoo.com/chinas-vietnam-veterans-fighting-battle-050326607.html   ~   Please click link。 

Leaving the army, Teng was assigned a job in a state-run firm, but was later laid off and could only find work as a rubbish collector.

Soldiers of the time were "left behind" by change, said Neil Diamant, a professor at Dickinson College in the US who has studied veteran activism, and now many are "living hand to mouth with mounting medical expenses".

China often vows aid for its veterans -- estimated to number millions -- but rules conflict and are poorly enforced.

Teng says he makes about 1,000 yuan ($160) a month from odd jobs but thinks the government should find him a wage matching the approximately 2,800 yuan average income in his home town of Yiyang, in the central province of Hunan.

He was sentenced to more than three years in jail for "assembling to disturb order in a public place", after banding together with other former soldiers who donned army uniforms to protest outside government offices.

China sees hundreds of demonstrations involving thousands of veterans every year, according to rights groups, with more than 10,000 reportedly doing so in 11 provinces late last month.

Such demonstrations are one of the biggest threats to social stability in the country, Xue Gangling, dean of the China University of Politics and Law, told Chinese media outlet Caixin last year.

China's President Xi Jinping has in the last year vowed to cut army personnel as part of sweeping military reforms aimed at creating an army oriented towards sea and air combat -- raising the possibility of further veteran unrest.

But authorities view any organised dissent as a risk, and crack down harshly.

台灣 ? 佩 小蔣 手下 大將 趙聚鈺 將軍 !  http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會   ~   Please click link。 

美國 ?  http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/investigations/2014/06/09/va-scandal-audit-veterans-delayed-care/10234881/ ~   Please click link。 

VA medical centers nationwide have misrepresented or sidetracked patient scheduling for more than 57,000 former military personnel, according to a preliminary analysis of data released Monday by the Department Veterans Affairs, and about 64,000 were not even on the agency's electronic waiting list for doctor appointments they requested.

The VA Health Care System also announced a plethora of major reforms, including an administrative hiring freeze, increased transparency and the cancellation of bonuses to employees who meet a goal for scheduling doctor appointments. The data release by acting VA Director Sloan Gibson further verifies wrongdoing uncovered in Phoenix and shows that dysfunctional practices permeate the agency's medical system and jeopardize health care for 9.3 million enrolled veterans.

Audits at 731 VA facilities showed widespread confusion about record-keeping practices and pressure at some locations for schedulers to "utilize unofficial lists or engage in inappropriate practices in order to make wait times appear more favorable."

The VA is in the process of contacting more than 90,000 veterans whose appointments may have been waylaid or who otherwise may face unwarranted delays in getting care. 

國,共,美帝 PK ?  

黃昏三鏢客, 地獄決鬥。

結論 : http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/9559087  ~   Please click link。 


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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
全民健保, ~ 國,共,美帝 PK ?
2014/06/12 22:13

呆丸 升斗小民 健保 最幸福。

Obama Care 健保 最 混帳。 

老共 升斗小民 健保 自求多福。
