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2013/04/06 13:45:04瀏覽67|回應1|推薦0 | |
中國放棄北朝鮮? Studied&Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子April 5,2013 終 結歷史-放棄永無止境的朝鮮戲碼-放棄;永無止境的戲碼是好機會-終結歷史是預防最壞的在古老的歷史與文化框架行為;終結歷史-放棄永無止境的戲碼是值得 思考;古老的歷史與文化是另外一回事;因為朝鮮的嘩眾取寵,總是帶來的最嚴重的失敗,或僅是憤怒的揮舞著核子武器的大旗;最近的事件,會有什麼後果,他們 很清楚;是以,中國需要一個強硬的策略部署-終結歷史,尤其是,新模式的國土安全思維;被寵壞的孩子必須受到懲罰,而且,全球都再看!放棄不是結束,終結 歷史是恢復區域安全;這類是不相關於古老的歷史與文化;其實很簡單;放棄是中國唯一與現實的選項,特別是,俄羅斯;因循於古老的歷史與文化的進展,沒有效 益;尤其是,他們才是中國的國土安全的大麻煩,而不是,笑話的緩衝區;嚴重的緊張,僅會惡化中國的經濟壓力,這是不論,爽與不爽?被寵壞的孩子,將導致朝 鮮嚴重的緊張,無庸置疑;現在的問題是如何放棄?最好的辦法是終結歷史;不可否認,這將是足以讓古老的歷史與文化消失在朝鮮半島;如果,放棄是成功的,下 個將是甚麼?
結論: 核子武器是北朝鮮威脅中國與美國,甚至,全球的王牌,重點是獲得全球焦點;是以,中國除了追求國土安全外,應該是選擇終結歷史關係,自基本上放棄; Will China give up North Korea? Studied&Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子April 5,2013 Ending of history- gives up endless of North Korea's drama.An best opportunity to give endless drama up-ending of history is to prevent the worst behavior in the age-old of history and culture of framework.Ending of history- gives up endless drama is authority a consideration ; the age-old of history and culture is another matter.Because of North Korea's funny gestures always brings the worst in fails.Or,they are just angry swinging with flag of nuclear weapons.The recent event will be consequences,so they are obvious.As China need a hardy strategic deployment - ending of history,especially,new model of homeland security concept.A spoiled child must be punished,in addition to the worldwide is just watching.Abandonment is not end ; ending of history is resumption of regional security.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.In fact,it is simple.Abandonment is the only realistic option to China,in particular,Russia.And follow the the age-old of history and culture have made no benefits in progress.Especially,they remain a higher troublesome matter,rather than ridiculous of buffer zone.Strict tensions can just worsen China's economic pressure.These are no matter what feel sort,or not?A spoiled child will lead to North Korea's strict tensions. It is no doubtful.The issue noe is how to give it up?The best way is ending of history.It cannot denied that it will be sufficient to get the age-old of history and culture that will disappear in the Korean Peninsula.If Abandonment succeeds,so,what the next will be? According with the China frustration in dealing with this troublesome and pitiful child arises from feeling.Indeed,this is troublesome policy toward North Korea,rather than,the China and the U.S.And it is regional security dangerous in Beijing to be such a terrible partner.At first,ending of history-abandonment will provide and ultimate normalization of the Korean Peninsula issues.Many opponents of ending of history-abandonment think that it is unfair, even though,abandonment is a condition.So,it cannot dennied that this is a often used strategic deployment.And these are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Ironically, North Korean enjoys slap China in the face.Although,the China have wanted to moderate,and change North Korea through from stubborn of history and culture,even,gives biggest economic support ; but have little one,of course,this has never happened. Stubborn of history and culture has existed serious disagreements,in particular,the Japan.However,China has its own sort,so North Korean enjoys slap China in the face,and that's not likely to change. Given the extent of these differences between stubborn of history and culture,so China should understandable and integrative to restoring homeland security of cohesion ; but inevitably,China will find ending of history-abandonment exactly right.Because of nobody enjoys slap ourselves in the face.Why? Conclusion: Nuclear weapons are North Korea's trump card,and threaten China and U.S. even,the world.The point is to get global attention.As in addition to seek homeland security,China should choose for utmost change-abandonment in ending of history relations.That must take comprehensive war-fighting approach. Of course,ending of history relation is also consideration between difficulties and unfavorables.But,without an ending of history relation like this,threat will be result on endless. China's ending of history-abandonment relation looks like the serious,but,it will be able to achieve Nuclear weapons of nightmare. Ending of history-abandonment relation is worth a shot. At least,it may be of some help,so,dear China should give it up! |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |