台灣窮小子 is viewing national nuclear power development and security issues for the future. 03022013 Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子
While the energy deployed definitions in the Taiwan have not changed,but,as extremely as in speaking,Taiwan's national energy strategic-definition of change and secure issues must be re-written by fundamantal definition,which are not related to the age-old of history and culture. According with the past of global history,nuclear power was the greatest national strategic-force of fundation,and energy component.In particular,they were maintaining national energy deployment of sufficient size and quality. However,stubborn of history and culture of desolation,and the importance of the nuclear power has changed extremely. As national energy deployment noted,that it is not as important,but ,as conventional wisdom to state national energy depolyment of importance.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture. The decline of national nuclear-power strategic-force will show the reduced nations' technologucal capabilities.In particular,reduced nations' industrial of war-fighting capabilities. We can understand stubborn of history and culture ideas,but,it will be less optimistic in the future.Because of no matter what the current and future,national energies needs tevhnological integrations and fundings to complete. We face of such future and conventional energy deep-strike challenge and threat,so,as we will also have to respond with nuclear forces of re-deployment.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture. Because of future energy will depend on the impact of new technologies that play role.On the one hand,by accident of nuclear secirity,they would bring new challenge,which tests national energy deployment of war-fighting capability. So,under the current sutuation,nuclear deployment is to defend itself when it is more vulnerable to stubborn of history and culture attack than it has been for many decades. With the future technological change,that will intensify significant of the nuclear power vulnerability.Security comes from scientists and engineers of efforts,rather than stubborn of history and culture. Because of risk from stand-off cannot resolve problems. National nuclear power deployment is as significant as it brings cheap,convenience and security. They are an indelible part of the national energy deployment energy blue print of the future. We cannot see such conflicts as unlikely in the new pattern of energy security environment. Each technological changes have different visions,but,stubborn of history and culture are not.At the same time,national reserve are inadequate, reflected in nuclear waste dumping problems. In other words,accident of nuclear secirity is to provide biggest transparency,and we are working togehter to face complex problems,in particular,involving global nuclear power security partnership with cooperative opportunities. In short,manifestation of this technological change is to build mechanism,rather than,stubborn of history and culture of conflicted shadow. Today,global energy and security environment have already been changed. But,given tensional nations' economic mode we facing nuclear power security,even,radioactive waste disposal,that will increasingly determine to national security strategy.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture. Today,nuclear power cannot make threat up,and stubborn of history and culture are still the important threaten role and background.