Neither history and culture an option,nor war an option. According with Taiwanes president Tsai ing-wen,who's speech that " she would maintain peace amid rising tensions with China. Taiwan is headed for a presidential election next year",she said. In fact,the Taiwanese people are rational,calm,and not provocative,we face Chinese military threats and attacks of history and culture,even Lies of Economy. Neither history and culture an option,nor war an option,and no one,any parties can unilaterally change the status quo in Taiwanese Tradition. However,Taiwan is surrounded by crises,actually,Taiwan is by no means a trouble maker. Indeed,"One Party,One Country",Radical Left,idiots are real trouble makers. Taiwanese people is a responsible,End Of History,and Taiwan will stand together with the US,the Japan,our parners,our friends around the world to jointly defuse the crises. Tensions of history and culture remain high between China and Taiwan Taiwan,it is never a the superpower,but Taiwanese people has always stood with Independence And Freedom". Now that,Taiwan gearing up for hot presidential race in 2024,and New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih, representing Taiwan's main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) party in the election,who pledged to the choice facing Taiwan is between "peace and war." It cannot denied that it is the provocations of history and culture. In response,Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-Wen,who is right. Under the National Security of the Republic of China,all political parties in Taiwan should reach a consensus on maintaining security and stability,and cautioned against exploiting the fear of war,history and culture,Lies of Economy for electoral gains.