According with the development of history-ism doctrine has unfolded over the years into a just bureaucratism,not a formal doctrine. Thus,formal doctrine will provide specific doctrine, and war-fighting procedures,in which,in order to establish a inter-operability of doctrinal system,in particular,Joint Operations Doctrine of new model of Taiwan's flock,rather than age-old of history and culture. In other words,new model of Taiwan's flock will support,and be employed mainly in a tactical and strategic operastion-role,as is now beginning to recognize a biggest role for Taiwan's flock force. In crisis,Taiwan's flock tactical doctrine adequately described the future of Taiwan's power,rather than,age-old of history and culture. Prior to 1990,Taiwan's flock power depended solely on history and culture doctrines. Nonetheless,when Nation adopted the tactics of flexible response,need increased for power,in which,in order to integrate effectively together.Ending of history is to develop jointed tactical doctrine and war-fighting common procedures.This is global trend,rather than,age-old of history and culture. The age-old of history and culture change process is slow which doctrine has yet to undergo changes required to reflect global environment realities. But Taiwan's flock doctrinal change is thus an iterative,ending of history process, and alterations have been relatively history and culture in range. Joint doctrines and principles of Taiwan's flock common positions which its determining to new era of Taiwanese Ending of history. Final on doctrinal change will be affected by conventional National political,economic,and military capabilities,if we will not be ending of history,in turn limiting Taiwanese war-fighting capability and superiority. Unless,Taiwanese must take Ending of history war-fighting action to streamline the doctrinal Taiwan's flock revision process.
To look back in history,the surprising events of 2014 and 1990s' caused us to re-assess its task. After much controversy "BIG WORDS" are still "BIG WORDS" which determined that it would put more insistence on texts,and political deployment of rather than its economic and military means. History and culture have always vowed that we would still have an important "BIG WORDS" role to play,and would also provide stability and security across the Chinese people. To do this, we would have to be capable war-fighting of "BIG WORDS" to operate more "BIG WORDS". So,the challenge current and future we will be keep and own new model of sufficiently war-fihgting capability to maintain stability security within Taiwan's homeland elsewhere,in which,in order to serve as the primary security force for all of Taiwan. While age-old of history and cultrue were involved in a very limited war-fighting model,but Taiwanese inherent independent,free war0fighting-experience would prove extremely helpful in environment of the future. The conventional history and culture lesson for actually is that there was an increasing need to be prepared - reservation and deployment of the Taiwan's flock. They are indicative of the new model and era of Ending of history forces and especially the conventional history and culture power,in current and future of National and Homeland security environment. In technological operations, flock has proven to be the only Taiwan's war-fighting system capable of taking effective National political,economic,and military war-fighting action,in order to counterattack history-culture violence extremism and terrorism in tactical response. In turn,National stability has no the war-fighting ability like age-old of history and culture. In other words,with no security Ending of history,the age-old of history and culture is incapable of decisive action,which does not have the war-fighting capability and superiority to enforce National strategic and political deployments. As our Nation-Taiwan must push and foster new model of flock,Taiwan will continue to own framework of choice for the near future,security and stability will increasingly become involved in our Homeland. Taiwan's flock tactical doctrine force must adapt to pragmatism and realism in the future.
Taiwan's flock will be immensely affect the R.O.C. National core tactics,so we are necessitating immediate modifications to specific procedures,in which,in order to intensify security and stability,cooperation,and good partnership ,as well as a solid common defense. The purpose of the Taiwan's flock is also to provide National military reform,intensify legal institutions,respect independence and freedom,and through deterrent action to drive security and stability. Eventual mission will be promoted war-fighting action to immediate participation,and providing timely encouragement to solve the applicability of the tactical doctrine. While it will show a consider swelling-process,and this also explain a National Commitment to independence and freedom which demonstrate National internal stability to defense.In turn,National consensus. However,age-old of history and culture agreed that would increase the influence of independence and freedom and discredit the ancestral tablet.Thus, Taiwan's flock offered tactical doctrine to push National stability and democracy. Precedence-deployment does exist,and provided Taiwan's flock against Taiwan's desires. Resolution of disputes has also not been a deterrent to the position of history and culture in the past. Thus, it must accept new members of Taiwanese,in turn,who are not capable of defending the Taiwan,and who own war-fighting capability and competitive superiority. As tactical doctrine signs Taiwan's framework,and committing them to the basic principles of common security.In other words,there is some for alternate relations will affect Taiwan's strategy and war-fighting doctrine,and are made in accordance with specific basic principles,and than,develop a unique relationship with Nation. The Taiwan's flock force integration into new model of tactical doctrine that possess diverse war-fighting force and superiority with Taiwan.
The age-old of hisotry and culture should not present,and future Taiwan needs new tactical doctrine. The far from implementing bwtween the principles of National economic liberalism and age-old of hisotry and culture.And facing the near future,Taiwan's flock participation that our Nation-Taiwan will require some thought. And most importantly,we must realize,and strongly desire to translates into more security-commitment. After all,history and culture are similarly struggling with changes,and they do have many lingering predicaments.In particular,Taiwan's geopolitical strategic location relative to also presents a special challenge. So,we should be considered separately due to Taiwanese potential and history-culture threat. We must carefully consider the establishment of new model of Taiwan's flock tactical force in Taiwan to avoid encouraging Taiwanese insecurities which will have disadvantageous consequences on Taiwan's stability. In summary, new model of Taiwan's flock tactical force will occur change in the next few years. Future Taiwan's flock tactical doctrine must reflect the pragmatism and realism. Taiwan must be proactive, dealing with history and culture issues.