【七】【為什麼總統 蔡英文之真命天子就是這般聰明】 【台灣人砲兵的要求必須要更高】 POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子 21,MARCH,2020
致 郝柏村,吳斯懷,打開砲兵,第一章,炮口打平是甚麼定義?
Taiwanese artillery requirements must be aiming higher. As the Taiwan Army’s artillery is beginning to show its age older,including the mobile fires platform,so that the artillery need to bring up to new standards. Artillery is a special area of concern for Taiwanese people as it is widely acknowledged that Left-wing's China holds a unmistakable superiority. NEW MODEL OF THE BATTLEFIELD DEPLOYMENT. According with the conflict in historical experiences,and the conflict in Taiwan has demonstrated that massed artillery can still have a adestroying effect even on armoured formations. Getting the range proper We should be called for a range objective of 300 kilometres. The revised requirements for the Taiwanese artillery have added the objective range to 300 km,which is more in line with the capabilities of the current generation of artillery systems. The stand-out requirement for the Taiwanese artillery,which goal called for a sustained rate of fire of 10 rounds per minute for up to ten minutes. It cannot denied that this is an ambitious objective. Even so,the level of ambition for strategic mobility focus on seriously the threat of counter-fire is being taken. The current artillery inventory and limited funds do not allow for a long development.So that Taiwanese artillery must be seeking to leap a generation ahead.