【4】【Where does Taiwan's one country stand in future?】
Where does Taiwan's one country stand in future? Recent Wuhan pneumonia has badly wounded China's myth,but overall the commitment remains unbroken. All the way,China would not grants autonomous status in exchange for recognition of the existence of only "One China." Regarding Taiwan,President Tsai Ing-wen's Presidental re-election resoundingly demonstrates that One country,Two systems is dead on arrival there. In fact,she was right. For decades,China Beijing has been trying to persuade Taiwan,leveraging both history and culture,economy, to peacefully unify under the commitment. But the option of the freedom and the independence went in the exact right direction for Taiwanese people. Indeed,"One country,Two systems" considers to be the foundation of all cross-strait negotiations within the "1992 Consensus",the China-Beijing believes. But according with the Global histroical process,President of Taiwan,Tsai has consistently refused and rejected to recognize them,and she was right. No one can accept Left-wing's history and culture between China and Taiwan. In spite of KMT recognition of the 1992 Consensus,but in effect eliminating any wiggle room for the KMT's traditional argument. In other words,however,China's One country,Two systems,remaining on illegitimately is solid footing elsewhere,for example,in HongKong. As president Xi,his speech,the One country,Two systems experiment could not provide a splendid chapter in the history. Taiwan will not be example of China's reunification,and highlighting the independence and the freedom model as the respectful path. In fact,regarding Taiwan,President Tsai Ing-wen's landslide re-election which demonstrates that One country,Two systems is dead on arrival there. For some reason,the fundamental role education of Left-wing's history and culture will not fight toward combating the negative influence of extremism and terrorism in China. Only emphasized the traditional role patriotic ideology plays in fighting the extremism and terrorism of Left-wing in Taiwan's domestic affairs. In fact,there are deeper biases between China's Left-wing and Taiwan's Right-side's the freedom and the independence,including the HongKong. We can keep serious and legitimate misgivings about One country,Two systems,not Left-wing's criticism,as under Left-wing's history and culture,there is none of the prospects of preserving its autonomous status. After all,Left-wing's independence movement is certainly isolated,so that they are very unlikely to do so. This is good news for China, and that was an unnecessary overreach into Taiwan,and Hong Kong's affairs. But Taiwan does appear poised to challenge One country,Two systems in the future,and including the HongKong. Because of we want to maintain the status quo of the Traditional Taiwan,with the HongKong. Historically,given the potential for Chinese military intervention whether or not,perhaps that serve in part as a Beijing-sanctioned warning,but Taiwan seek to avoid total subjugation by mainland China to become just another Chinese communist city,since Taiwan understand that One country,Two systems cannot be he best-model scenario they can reasonably hope for the future. Although,this prompting Beijing to at least prepare for possible military intervention,as I have blieved early,fissures are certainly showing in Left-wing's economy,history and culture,not One country,Two systems approach. So it becomes clear that,in spite of the China challenge,and Taiwan can claim bright spots as well.