【Taiwan need to be re-defining our concept of Homeland Security.】
Many people in Taiwan have historical experiences that maintain the status quo our perception of security within our homeland. There is homeland security,which is defined as the protection of a country from attack or other threat by maintaining a secured force that can protect the homeland. As the Presidental election of 2020, definition has been broadened to include other issues like economic security,and homeland security. There is also the concept that homelandl security has a traditional meaning, focusing on threats that originate from Left-wing's history and culture. So what homeland security truly means,and how security,for that reason threat,is defined by the meant Left-wing's history and culture. Such as,questioning traditional meanings of homeland security may create confusion and bias,because it may mean a change to our idea of thinking about homeland security. But threats to Taiwan's homeland security can also come from Left-wing's China (e.g. history and culture,and fake economy),the domestic Taiwanese (e.g. Left-wing's mad),or organized crime (e.g. factions). These mldels of crises to Taiwan's security interfere with being able to live in stability and security in our home,society,and country. So what Taiwanese people facing these types of threats seek is security in a more entire way,whether those threats originate from any conditions. But,if security of Taiwanese people is what we seek,maybe the Taiwan should focus on understanding what security for all Taiwanese people looks like,and then decide how we establish our policies to deal with Left-wing's history and culture,and fake economy challenges. The threats of Left-wing's history and culture,and fake economy face are already deep-rooted in Taiwanese society and culture. The model that Left-wing's history and culture define threats does not adequately capture the challenges many Taiwanese people. For example,a person who is fearful of asking a policeman for help will have to live with a threat different from Left-wing's mad who is not afraid. Similarly,the threat of becoming a victim of Left-wing's China is higher in HongKong,and HongKong people than any Taiwanese people,which impacts how HongKong people or who are homeless view their security. Under Left-wing's history and culture,Taiwanese people may feel that they have no voice or may not see how their voices will make a difference. They feel they have no power. A lack of homeland security can lead to a lack of empowerment and engagement for Taiwanese people. Similarly, the lack of homeland security can be used as a weapon to keep those oppressed silent. The idea of seeking a more entire meaning of homeland,not issues that deviate from the traditional focus on military superiority,or are included depends on who is crafting the strategy. Nevertheless,it is not the threat to National security itself that is differen,because of many of these challenges have not changed. What is different is who is controlling ,the give an account of the strategy. For those who are Left-wing's mad a lack of security, their view of homelandsecurity efforts,or security efforts in general that can be quite negative. Therefore, it is not surprising that we need to continue to examine our meanings of homeland security,and to recognize that protecting the stability and security of our Taiwanese citizens means re-assessing our homeland security visions. To move homeland security from its current Left-wing's history and culture,and fake economy,Left-wing's people's militia,and is defined through the visions of justice and traditional security.