中華民國風格 - 終結歷史 I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the R.O.C. against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of 蔡英文, and according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
We must know,I said:"that we cannot live dependably at stupid of history and culture. -台灣窮小子
Accordingwith the past in many decades,National character reflected on the historical experiences and lessons in the 20th Century. We must learn that our National own happiness is dependent on the good National Character,in order to we have learned to be members of the global independence,freedom,and democracy,rather than,soceity of stupid of history and culture. Those words have more resonance than ever before as our National Character lead us enter new model and new era. After all,at a development of rapid global environment,the R.O.C. must re-integrate National Character which its can profoundly affect Nation's security,happiness,and prosperity,at the same time,protect our people at homeland and our way of life. ENDING OF HISTORY,NATIONAL CHARACTER,Taiwanese will be benefit,and with our partners whose come together to prevent and counterattack history-culture violence extremism and terrorism acts ; to resolve conflicts ; in order to promote independence,freedom,and democracy ; open markets and create national social stability ; to protect the environment ; and we are working together to face challenges.This stupid of history and culture cannot meet alone. The R.O.C. remains the Chinese world most powerful force,and the global values of independence,freedom,peace,democracy,and prosperity,rather than,stupid of history and culture. Our Nation's National Character challenge ; and our National Responsibility and Commitment ; is to maintain that this role by grabbing the new model and new security for interest of our own people and National core interest in the future. So,we must re-integrate a forward-looking of the National character ; the core objectives of the new model and new security,such as: 1,Ending of history,to intensify the R.O.C. National and Homeland security; 2,Counterattack violence extremism and terrorism,to integrate National stability and Social Economic prosperity of the R.O.C..
In other words,the R.O.C. must re-find and own National character,in order to execute this ending of history of National strategy. National character has worked to maintain and intensify our National war-fighting readiness,and seek longer-term of National stability and economic prosperity,in a while,providing quality of life improvements for our people,rather than,stupid of history and culture. As better face the futures' challenges,proposal of 台灣窮小子 agree with Mr.洪榮一's explanation,that the R.O.C. will be still new model and new security of National Character. Although,our warfare forces still have readiness challenges,but,unfortunately,we carry on stupid of history and culture as before,so,it cannot denied that that cannot hold skilled and experienced people.So,National Character is helping us achieve our National strategic readiness objectives. 台灣窮小子 is confident that the R.O.C. is ; in addition to that will to be capable of achieving ending of history strategy and meeting the National Commitment and Responsibility of the R.O.C.,rather than,stupid of history and culture. To be the National security of the R.O.C.,and the Homeland security of the Taiwan,we must not only have a strong National Character and War-Fighting Force ; we must also continue to limit history-culture violence extremism and terrorism acts threats to our National and social stability. National character will help us to see encouraging signs,and turn the corner on war-fighting readiness National character will help us to continue to work cautiously to prevent and counterattack history-culture violence extremism and terrorism acts threats. National character will continuing start the National transformation process,meanwhile,discussing modification of the National Constitutionto allow for development of defense against potential history-culture violence extremism and terrorism, rogue acts threats and attacks. National character will maintain the National Commitment and diplomacy-policy of the R.O.C.. It is why we must do ending of history,in order to build National Character,rather than,stupid of history and culture. Otherwise we will be left with crises and option,simply put,everything doing nothing at all. Also,National character will be promoting exceptional progress,independence,freedom,democracy and unity in the Nation.So,our National efforts is not done yet.In particular,we will be drawing a new model of National Blue Print.
Ultimately,at this moment in history for the future,the new model and new security of the National Character is called on that,such as: 1,To intensify the National Dream of the R.O.C.,and independent,free,and democratic values and concepts. 2,To intensify the National security of the R.O.C.,and the Homeland security of the Taiwan.
We owe it to our next era,or other next era to meet challenges and build a new model and new security of the R.O.C.,rather than,stupid of history and culture.