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2010/09/19 13:53:31瀏覽800|回應6|推薦31 | |
星期六lyon 睡了個大懶覺 lyon had a big lazy sleeping on Saturday morning. 王奶奶 Grandma Wang 梳洗一番 After washing and setting, 王奶奶 Grandma Wang lyon lyon 王奶奶 Grandma Wang lyon lyon 阿英仔還了480 lyon gave A-Ing 480 ntd, 走到豬肉攤 Waking to the Pork Vendor. 豬肉攤老闆娘笑嘻嘻 The Pork Vendor Boss Mother were smiling, lyon 給了230 lyon paid 230 to the Boss Mother, 走沒幾步路 Out of several steps, lyon 回頭一笑 lyon turned head with a big sunny smile 兩個OBSes,笑的更燦爛了~~~ Then the two OBSes laughed more shining~~~ |
( 休閒生活|其他 ) |