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閱讀賞析---黑暗之半(The Dark Half)
2007/03/29 15:50:21瀏覽748|回應2|推薦2

年初帶孩子畢旅時決定帶這本The Dark Half 旅途上充饑,中譯本翻成"黑暗之半"。一開始真是感到無言的翻譯,因為從標題實在看不出來故事在講什麼,但這也是書商高竿之處,會使讀者想從架上拿下一探究竟之因。

Stephen King作品水準不一的印象,比如The Bag of Bones(骨頭蒐集者)就是ㄧ本與作者聲聞齊名的小說,但是The Dream Catcher(捕夢網)卻是ㄧ部讓你感覺電影看看就好的故事,所以挑書時都會避免去找SK大師的作品。








Thad Beaumont would like to say he is innocent.  He'd like to say he has nothing to do with the series of monstrous murders that keep coming closer to his home.  He'd like to say he has notheing to do with the twisted imagination that produced his bestselling novels.  He'd lke to say he has nothing to do with the voice on the phone uttering its obscene threats and demanding total surrender.  

But how can Thad disown the ultimate embodiment of evil tha goes by the name he gave it---and signs its crimes with Thad's bloody fingerprints?


史蒂芬.金(Stephen King
一九六六年,史蒂芬.金自里斯本高中(Lisbon Falls High School)畢業後便進入緬因州立大學英語系就讀。大學時代的他十分活躍,除了大二擔任校刊的專欄主筆外,也積極參與校園政治活動,並大力支援反越戰運動。一九七年大學畢業後,隨即取得高中教師資格。本來該入伍服役的他,卻因為高血壓、弱視、扁平足及嚴重受損的耳膜等疾患而免去當兵的義務。 

一九七一年一月完成終生大事的史蒂芬.金,由於當時還未找到教職工作,因此夫妻倆就靠著他在洗衣店打工的薪水及太太過去的一些積蓄過活,偶爾也會寫些短篇故事投稿至男性雜誌,以賺取稿費。婚後數年間,他仍不斷寫作,並賣給男性雜誌。這些作品後來多集結於《玉米田的孩子》(Night Shift)一書中,或是刊登於其他文集裡。

Reviews from some online viewers

"I'm back from the dead and you don't seem glad to see me at all, you ungrateful son of a bitch." During a time when folks began to question Stephen King's story telling ability, the "Master of Horror" pulls yet another ace from the deck.

The Dark Half is a strong novel, similar to a short novella, "Secret Window, Secret Garden" from another SK book, Four Past Midnight. However, after reading the first couple hundred pages the close association with that story ends and The Dark Half begins.

This novel is a nice breath of fresh air compared to other work that King released during this time period such as: The Tommyknockers, Needful Things, Dolores Claiborne, etc. Its unique style screams Bachman and displays Steve King's uncanny ability to write beyond the "typical monster under the bed" yarn, while capitalizing on his untapped ability to write a great crime novel. With a little mythology and telepathy thrown in to boot,

The Dark Half delivers a prominent yarn, that will keep the reader engaged from start to finish. The only major problem I had with the book was the short, abrupt ending, which always seems to plague most of King's work (as his fans love to point out).  (written by Jerry b. Woods)

In 1985, 39-year-old Stephen King announced in public that his pseudonymous alter ego, Richard Bachman, was dead. (Never mind that he revived him years later to write The Regulators.) At the beginning of The Dark Half(1989), 39-year-old writer Thad Beaumont announces in public that his own pseudonym, George Stark, is dead. 

Now, King didn't want to jettison the Bachman novel, titled Machine Dreams, that was he working on. So he incorporated it in The Dark Half as the crime oeuvre of George Stark, whose recurring hero/alter ego is an evil character named Alexis Machine. 

Thad Beaumont's pseudonym is not so docile as Stephen King's, though, and George Stark bursts forth into reality. At that point, two stories kick into gear: a mystery-detective story about the crime spree of George Stark (or is it Alexis Machine?) and a horror story about Beaumont's struggle to catch up with his doppelganger and kill him dead. 

This is not the first time that Stephen King has written a dark allegory about the fiction writer's situation. As the New York Timeswrites, " (1987) is a parable in chiller form of the popular writer's relation to his audience, which holds him prisoner and dictates what he writes, on pain of death. The Dark Half is a parable in chiller form of the popular writer's relation to his creative genius, the vampire within him, the part of him that only awakes to raise Cain when he writes, the fratricidal twin who occupies 'the womblike dungeon' of his imagination." (written by Fiona Webster ) 

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2007/03/29 22:08

Life is but a row of games. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. So, why not give it another shot ? lilimarleen

tracy's shoes
2007/03/29 17:40