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08.奇經八脈:8 陽蹻脈 Yang Heel Vessel.
The 8 Extra Merdidians .1.In the meridian system. there are eight extra meridians which are listed.:(1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point. (2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 27-point. (3).Thoroughfare Vessel (T.V.)衝脈, line. (4).Girding Vessel (G.V.)帶脈, line. (5).Yin Link Vessel (YI.L.V.)陰維脈, line. (6).Yang Link Vessel (YA.LV.)陽維脈, line. (7).Yin Heel Vessel (YI.H.V.)陰蹻脈 , line. (8).Yang Heel Vessel (YA.H.V.)陽蹻脈. line. 2.There are unlike the twelve regular meridian. These eight channels don not correspond with the organs diretly.and only the Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel have acupoint on them. Their main funtion is to strengthen the links between the twelve regular meridians and aslo act as reservoirs of the fundamental substances buffering the blood and energy (qi)(vital energy) circulation. 08.The Yang Heel Vessel Extra of Meridian.The Yang Heel Vessel of meridians run between the head and the ankle.
20、 陽蹻脈經穴:Yang Heel Vessel具有聯繫陰經脈之作用。(1)足太陽膀胱經部分:陽蹻脈起於足太陽膀胱經,在外踝正下緣五分骨陷中之申脈穴,再往後下斜至足跟之僕參穴,由後腳跟僕參穴直上行,經崑崙穴(外踝後跟腱前凹陷處)、跗陽穴、飛陽穴,再轉小腿背外後承山穴,循腿背上行經委中、殷門、承扶穴,再往上行與足少陽膽經交絡。 (2)足少陽膽經部分:陽維脈再上行至腹脅軟骨末端下八寸處,即髂骨側與足少陽膽經之居unchar2.gif (898 bytes)穴相交。循腹外側上行至肩部,與手陽明大腸經相絡。 (3)手陽明大腸經部分:至肩胛肩峰前下方(舉臂時有凹陷處),與手陽明大腸經之肩unchar1.gif (901 bytes)穴相會。從肩unchar1.gif (901 bytes)穴上行,至肩端肩鎖關節上方有凹陷處之巨骨穴。由肩胛處往後下行與手太陽小腸經相會。 (4)手太陽小腸經、足太陽膀胱經及陽維脈部分:陽蹻脈行至巨骨穴再翻滑過肩胛後,至大骨下肩胛崗下際凹陷處,與手足太陽、陽維等相會於unchar5.gif (900 bytes)俞穴。至此陽蹻脈再循手陽明大腸經與足陽明胃經上行至嘴吻處。 (5)手陽明大腸經、足陽明胃經部分:陽蹻脈由手太陽小腸經unchar5.gif (900 bytes)俞穴再絡回肩峰手太陽小腸經之肩unchar1.gif (901 bytes)穴,絡手陽明大腸經鎖骨上窩中點上一寸許之天鼎、喉結正中旁三寸之扶突穴,絡足陽明胃經上臉頰側面及口吻旁四分之地倉穴。再上行至眼中線直下,平鼻翼下緣之巨unchar2.gif (898 bytes)穴,最後達眼下七分,即足陽明胃經與任脈之承泣穴。 (6)陰蹻脈部分:陽蹻脈行至此,又與手、足太陽、足陽明與陰蹻,會合於眼內眥外一分處之睛明穴。 2.循行路徑: 陽蹻脈起跟中,上合三陽(足太陽、足少陽、足陽明)外踝行,從脅循肩、由頸至頄鼻旁,屬目內眥太陽經。 3.疾病症候 患陽蹻脈疾病者,有下列病候:陰氣不足,陽氣偏盛,常不見眠。 |
( 知識學習|健康 ) |